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Dead, repeat, DEAD horse.

Originally posted by jettredmont
Hmm. You know, TextEdit just ain't ready for Prime Time either. I mean, just fire up Word and you'll see how pathetic TextEdit is!

For those who haven't figured it out yet:

iCal is NOT a business scheduling application. It is NOT intended to replace the likes of Outlook or MeetingMaker.

Yeeesh. Have you read any of the other responses to my original post? (That's a rhetorical question -- you obviously didn't.)

Here's a free tip for those with quick fingers: before responding to someone, read the rest of the thread to see if someone beat you to it.

I mentioned I was happy with iCal, remember? And happy with Apple. How about cutting me just a smidgen of slack here.

(Another rhetorical question: Did anybody notice I was responding to a poster who opined that Apple should "start thinking about people who work in large companies"?)
Re: Slow Switching

Interesting. The switch is almost instantaneous on my dual G4, and a bit less than 2 seconds on my wife's iBook G3 600. Not sure if the amount of data has anything to do with it. Our calendars are sync'ed, and there's quite a bit on there, but maybe we've got a lot less entries than you.

Well, maybe I do have a "lot" of entries (4-8 entries, each several words, per day). This may be the reason that iCal takes 2sec to switch views, but I don't think Apple should have let this happen. Just imagine if you were a PC user thinking of switching and you saw someone's freakin' calendar performing so sluggishly. What would you think about the other apps? (Not that I'd ever show a potential switcher iCal... and definitely not iPhoto.) ;) Anyways, iCal should fly, even if it's "just a consumer app." There's really no excuse for it not to other than laziness on the part of the programmers.
Lazy programmers?

Originally posted by pyknosis
Anyways, iCal should fly, even if it's "just a consumer app." There's really no excuse for it not to other than laziness on the part of the programmers.

I absolutely agree it should fly -- even in the worst case we're not talking about huge amounts of data.

However, rather than laziness, don't you think it would be more fair to attribute it to a management decision regarding engineering priorities? Instead of optimizing the iCal code, maybe they decided to put all their time into GarageBand. :D

Again, I'm certainly not defending the slow app. I'd just like the mud to be thrown in the right direction. If mgmt. had decided that iCal's speed was a problem, I'm sure the programmers could have fixed it.

Speaking of which . . .

Not that I'd ever show a potential switcher iCal... and definitely not iPhoto.

Does this mean you don't have '04 yet? iPhoto's response on the 600mhz iBook with about 4,000 photos is pretty impressive, IMHO. Which makes iCal look even worse in comparison.
Proxy followup

In follow up to the "ProCal" responses to my comparision of iCal to Outlook, you are right, it's not meant to compete with the high end stuff.

I don't think I'm asking to much, however, for iCal and iTunes (and iSync for that mater) to use the authentication info that the network config panel has gathered.

[rant]As far as syncing to Outlook, it would be *nice* but I bought Enturage for that. -- Oh, wait, it doesn't work either because the evil IT folks at my company don't have IMAP turned on or something.[/rant]

I could set up an iCal server (and very well may do so), but one of the reasons I use a Mac is to avoid geeky sys-admin type stuff like that. (I do geeky stuff all day for a living, I try to get away from it at home ;) ) Besides, my company might frown on it as it could be considered firewall piercing and a breach of security.
ill be honest i hardly ever use iCal i used it 2 times so far but i did update it just incase
iQ updater not released

Originally posted by splashman
Yeeesh. Have you read any of the other responses to my original post? (That's a rhetorical question -- you obviously didn't.)

Here's a free tip for those with quick fingers: before responding to someone, read the rest of the thread to see if someone beat you to it.


... may I add:

Read beyond the third line of text.
... but this is the third line of text so you won't read the next line of text.

Apple has not released an update to your installed version of iQ.

:D :D :D
Sooo, by reading this thread, can I infer that iCal is indeed NOT a pro app but a consumer app?
Re: Slow Switching

Does this mean you don't have '04 yet? iPhoto's response on the 600mhz iBook with about 4,000 photos is pretty impressive, IMHO. Which makes iCal look even worse in comparison.

True. I've ordered my copy of iLife '04, but haven't received it yet. I'm truly hoping that iPhoto is as fast as Steve showed it to be during the keynote. I have a 6 megapix camera, so with the current version of iPhoto, I can't have very many photos in my library before iPhoto slows to a painful crawl.
ICal 1.5.2 actually says 1.5.1

A curious thing happens when I try to update my iCal to iCal 1.5.2, either by using Software Update (on Apple menu) or by downloading the file from Apple): after all the update processing, my iCal file has version 1.5.1, and NOT 1.5.2.

Does anyone have a clue on what is going on?

I have done it on 2 machines, both under Mac OS 10.3.2, and both with "portuguese" as the main language.
My ical updated just fine. The only problem is that I still can't get it to put the info in a window instead of the annoying drawer. I tried looking in the preferences but no luck. Can anyone tell me how to tell it to use a seperate window instead of the drawer?
Originally posted by parrothead
My ical updated just fine. The only problem is that I still can't get it to put the info in a window instead of the annoying drawer. I tried looking in the preferences but no luck. Can anyone tell me how to tell it to use a seperate window instead of the drawer?

Open the draw and then go to the Window menu. Under Window you should see Detach Info. Once you detach it, it stays detached. If you want it back as a draw, go back to Window.
iPhoto performance

Originally posted by pyknosis
True. I've ordered my copy of iLife '04, but haven't received it yet. I'm truly hoping that iPhoto is as fast as Steve showed it to be during the keynote. I have a 6 megapix camera, so with the current version of iPhoto, I can't have very many photos in my library before iPhoto slows to a painful crawl.

As long as you keep in mind that SJ was doing his demo on a dual G5, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. The fast re-sizing and the fast scrolling that was so impressive in the demo is not quite as smooth on my 600mhz iBook, but I'm thrilled with the performance (we have about 4,000 photos). So I can just about guarantee you'll be thrilled with the performance on your PB.

My camera is 4 megapix, but we generally have it set to 1280x960 unless we know we'll need a hi-res print. And many of our earlier photos were shot with a 1 megapix camera. But I'm guessing that your larger file size won't affect scrolling, etc. very much, since iPhoto builds its own reduced-res preview images.
What about Palm Desktop?

I'm new here, but I think I've gathered that iCal is NOT an Outlook competitor?

But what about Palm Desktop? I think that's a reasonable comparison: it's free, it's generally intended for one user, etc. It's ugly, but I have to use it for one simple reason: Memos. I use them for taking notes all the time, and have no other way of synching them and interacting with them in my desktop environment.

I've got iCal for appointments and To Dos, Address Book for people. Anyone figure out a way to dump Palm Desktop entirely for iApps, yet? Until then, I can't fully commit.

Your thoughts?
Re: What about Palm Desktop

>But what about Palm Desktop? I think that's a reasonable comparison: it's free, it's generally intended for one user, etc. It's ugly, but I have to use it for one simple reason: Memos. I use them for taking notes all the time, and have no other way of synching them and interacting with them in my desktop environment.<

Ugly? No way. There are numous themes and colors and imho it's way more interesting and easier to read than iCal.

It took an act of will for me to give up on PD, because I too miss the ability to link events and memos, etc. But the alarms wouldn't go off for me, unless the program was in an open window. I know lots of other people have had problems getting their iCal alarms to work, but I haven't had the problem. So I've learned dto live with one memo per event.

Re: What about Palm Desktop?

Originally posted by MacsAreNeato

I've got iCal for appointments and To Dos, Address Book for people. Anyone figure out a way to dump Palm Desktop entirely for iApps, yet? Until then, I can't fully commit.

Your thoughts?

Have you thought about using a diary and a biro? I find it a quite effective method of recording appointments and such like. Admittedly it doesn't synch well with a palm desktop, but its much cheaper.
the reason the alarms work now most likely is due to the fact it added a start up item now for alarms. I think this is new to this release as i have never seen it there before.
iCal repeatable To Do Items???

Hello everyone!

Tell me it ain't so! I just transferred all my calendar date form Now Up-To-Date to iCal, only to find that it may have a fatal flaw.

I cannot determine a way to make To Do Items repeat.

I have, for example, a billion things that I like to have associated with a particular day as a To Do, but not associated with any particular time. Most are things that need to be regularly scheduled. There are many each day, so I don't want them cluttering the timed events listed on my calendar, but I want to be able to check them off. For example:

2nd Sunday of each month: prepare lesson
3rd Sunday of each month: call supervisor with report
1st Saturday of each month: check septic system;
Daily: exercise

Can anyone give me some help? Acckkk!

Ok so I'm a new switcher - and have come from outlook to iCal.

Now whilst I acknowledge that iCal is a consumer aimed product...
I thought it should be able to suck birthdays out of the Address Book and pu them in iCal?

Mmm searched for the option everywhere! Anyone able to help?
DJY said:
Ok so I'm a new switcher - and have come from outlook to iCal.

Now whilst I acknowledge that iCal is a consumer aimed product...
I thought it should be able to suck birthdays out of the Address Book and pu them in iCal?

Mmm searched for the option everywhere! Anyone able to help?

There are two free applications that do that on versiontracker:[]=macosx&x=13&y=8

Hope this helps...

BTW if you're new to the platform, both and are a huge database of all apps mac...
Thanks mate
Just found reference to those two add-ins via the apple support pages.

Knew about versiontracker - but thanks for the other one!

For others who search in here in the future...
seems BirthdayCal - doesn't duplicate entries...
whereas iCal Birthday Shifter might still.

Just downloaded BirthdayCal - and voila!

Now if only I could find a way to migrate my old calendar out of outlook.

Thanks for the info though - I'm quickly falling in love with my new toy and OS!
DJY said:
Thanks mate
Now if only I could find a way to migrate my old calendar out of outlook.

You're welcome. Here's a link which explains how to export from outlook to ical. It's a bit tedious but you might want to give it a try:

BTW macosxhints is also quite a good source for little system hacks and so on...

And I am happy you're liking your new computer and os already... :)
Frenetic you are the best!

Thanks very much for that last link!

Couple of hiccups - but got it all via using Palm Desktop Manager as a bridge!

Thank you very very much - you have saved me HEAPS of typing!
DJY said:
Frenetic you are the best!

Thanks very much for that last link!

Couple of hiccups - but got it all via using Palm Desktop Manager as a bridge!

Thank you very very much - you have saved me HEAPS of typing!

You're welcome :)
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