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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 27, 2003
Montréal, Québec

Here's Apple's new icon for iChat, as published on their new .Mac webpage. I hope this wasn't already posted...
umm, what is different, i knew it use to be a smiley face since the early betas, but that is the same. is the aol guy more glossy or something.

Originally posted by iJon
umm, what is different, i knew it use to be a smiley face since the early betas, but that is the same. is the aol guy more glossy or something.
The AIM guy is more glossy indeed, but still, why would they change it on a web page without getting close to release a new version? Altough we have metal-brushed windows and new buttons that reminiscent of Apple's introduction to new interfaces (aka: The Panther look) and it's been already 2 years since QuickTime Player metal-brushed look has been introduced.
Originally posted by iJon
umm, what is different, i knew it use to be a smiley face since the early betas, but that is the same. is the aol guy more glossy or something.

are you not on os 10.2 or something? it's very easy to see a difference.
Originally posted by carletonmusic
I'm on the 10.2.6 and I see very little difference. The AOL guy is a little more orange...maybe...
and the black outline is a little thicker, but isn't that getting a bit nit-picky?
I hope they include the feature like the the regular instant messenger does, where when people im you they get your away message response if there is one.
10.2.6... The icon on my dock looks just like the one you posted. Maybe you could post the "old" icon you're comparing it to.

(Edit: I don't think the degree of glossiness is an indication of an update. Which isn't to say that an update is not due.)
He's more orange, the black outline is thinner and not a seperate embossed element from the figure. The orange makes the contrast level greater showing the hi lites more.
anyone who doesn't think there is more orange in that picture than the current iChat icon needs to get their eyes checked!

also there is a slight difference in the thickness of the outline of the aim guy.

i think that the away message feature is long-overdo to be implemented. also, there is an error between iChat users when they have away messages up...often times it will display no message at all. i would also like to see profiles added...possibly buddy groups too
what ichat needs..
1) profiles! I can check the profiles of people with aim but cant do it myself.
2) little goodies that are in aim and not ichat, like I used to right click on a user and be able to find out how long they have been online (not just idle times)
3) ok this is major because I had to download aim on here just to do it and then I deleted it after I was done. That is that I cant edit my buddly list that I had all ready set up. Ya you can update and change the one that is connected with your adressbook but not the one I had from when I used aim before its only there just not editable. (ps. if there is a way please tell me)
4) also maybe voice between users because i know aim had it when I used it on my pc (before I got my mac, 2 months ago)

now 1 and 3 I NEED and 2 and 4 I would like.
As for having my away message sent to people when they IM me I DO NOT want that I love it better the way ichat has it because I get to have my away message on (peope think I cant IM them like on aim you cant IM people when you have your away message on) but accually now it makes it that I can talk to the people I want to and not other ones and if they ask why later when I accually feel like talking I can just be like I had my away message on.

btw.. excuse any spelling or messups because I wrote as fast as the stuff came to my head and to lazy to read over it.
well yeah those things are different, i thought we were talking about a whole new icon or something, not different color shades or something.

Could it be that the graphic designers that work on the web page altered the image slightly to make it look better on the web? A little airbrushing, isn't that the norm?
i have no idea if this new icon means we should be expecting an update soon, but we can only hope! the away message is quite possibly the most annoying shortcoming in ichat right now, but all the other issues people brought up need to be addressed, too.

we just need a *real* update to it so i can go back to using it. it takes up so much less resources than AIM, and i love the way it fits into the menu bar (not to mention rendevous, which is super cool).

oh well, looks like we will just have to wait and see what happens.
Webcam support could be a cool feature that they could implement. I don't know if this would take up too many of the resources and slow the system down though.
Originally posted by dynamicd
Webcam support could be a cool feature that they could implement. I don't know if this would take up too many of the resources and slow the system down though.

i don't think we'll see webcam support. voice support would be a nice surprise, but i'd only expect bug fixes and afore mentioned little things (profiles, animated icons, etc)
I hope it has a lot of changes. I can't stand the current ichat. I want to like it, but it's just so much worse than AOLIM that I can't bear it.

my complaints:
1) buddies not organized by group, but just listed alphabetically or by online status. I like my groups; that's why I made them!!
2) I don't like ichat automatically replacing IM names with real names, but I want to be able to have IM names in my address book. This really annoys me.
3) I suspect I'm just an idiot, but I can't see any profile info. for buddies on ichat. That's the best part of IM, finding cool links on buddies' profiles!!

I really do want to give ichat a chance, but these are just unacceptable issues for me. I hope version 2.0 does something about these.
I could be stupid and just not know how to do this, but I'm fairly certain that in iChat there's no way to read someone's away message once they go idle, because instead of where it said their away message, it switched to their idle time.
Not yet...

I am very anxious for an iChat update but I do not think it is going to be released before Panther. It is way overdue but I think Apple will hold out to release it with their brand new OS.
I think ichat is great. Works fine for me. Im not a big IM person but hell, when i use it, i use ichat and it does the job....

what else can i say. (Even though the addition of optional voice and video support would be undoubtedly nice)
One thing that I think the new iChat needs is auto-reconnect! Sometimes while i'm away from my computer my broadband internet connection will drop out them come back on really quick. On AIM, it automatically puts me back on the net with my away message still up. However, with iChat, it just leaves me offline and wont reconnect until I manually do it.

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