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Originally posted by eyelikeart
AIM in X is still beta there are still a few things to work out...

notice there are no smileys yet?!

there are smileys in the newest version, which came out yesterday.

still no file transfer/talk. and a few other internet protocol things.
Personally I dont see a use for ichat, unless it can use other protocols, I use icq and msn through proteus (even if it doesn't do file transfer...etc......yet). I know no one who uses aim.

but like elmimmo says, would be great if the was a standard protocol
AIM is a standard protocol. It just happens to be proprietary as well. The reason I say it is standard is because it has way more penetration than any other instant messenger. Not only are AIM users able to communicate, but all current AOL subscribers can communicate with AIM users and vice-versa.

Second, altho it is a nice concept to include other technologies such as Jabber/Yahoo/etc, one protocol makes it cleaner and quicker. I watched the video on ZDNet, and altho it was probably using Quartz Extreme and had great hardware, I'm hoping the avg iChat experience is nearly that fast.

Third, if they only adopt one protocol, then thats all they will have to worry about with Rendezvous, making communication much easier to handle.

Finally, I hate AOL as much as the next guy, but have yet to find a service that treats me better. MSN is spyware/bloatware/trojanhorse etc. Jabber is obscure. ICQ just sucks. Yahoo just never really made it into the market.
True, but it's a bit hard to get peeps using other IM's. the only reason i use msn is a few wintel friends use it, they're not pros just comsumers, who use whatever comes out of the box. I wouldn't paticularly mind using ichat (thinking about it), it's just I'll need 2 apps open to do the same thing (if I don't want to lose icq and msn contacts) which is a bit cr*p.

I agree with keep it simple, but until everyone uses one protocol, then I'd like it to handle atleast icq (don't AOL own icq?)
Originally posted by sparkleytone
I watched the video on ZDNet, and altho it was probably using Quartz Extreme and had great hardware, I'm hoping the avg iChat experience is nearly that fast.

Where is that video? I can't seem to find it :)

Found it

By searching for "Jaguar" on ZDNet (clever me), I found the video. No option for QuickTime streaming though :(
wow! you can already sign up on aim w/your email address? neat!
Can we customize iChat?

I've seen pictures of iChat as well as the demo video from WWDC (cNet). I think there's too much eye candy. It's going to be a great app but I'm not too crazy about all of those"chat bubbles". I hope we can choose to have an interface like AIM that is simple and doesn't take up the whole screen.

PS - the drag and drop file sharing is going to rock!!
Originally posted by cleo
I have a couple of very specific concerns re: iChat.

1) Memory usage. Adium uses virtually no system resources, whereas iTunes... well.

2) Ads. I supposed that it is perfectly possible that Apple has paid enough for the use of the technology not to have to look at AOL ads constantly (as in the standard AIM client). But somehow I doubt it.

3) Screen names. What if two different people own "JohnSmith" @mac. com and How will it be determined who gets the rights to chat with it (well, obviously the AOL person will). Seems like it's not the best thing to be so loudly advertising that you can use your name when there's a good chance you won't be able to (given AOL's ungodly number of subscribers).
Some thoughts on your questions:

1) Memory: I seriously doubt that iChat would use 1/10 the cycles that iTunes requires; I would more expect it to be around the Adium/Fire range.

2) Ads: It'll be a cold day in hell before Apple throws ads on something besides Sherlock (which are only THEIR ads.) Ads on iChat just won't happen. Why do you think so many people use Adium over AOL's client?

3) Screen Names: Here's my take on how this'll work: regular AOL members will retain their names; new members will simply get their email address. Your username would be Maybe your password would even be synced with your iTools password. This could lead to further integration, although Apple must tread lightly if it wants to keep in good standing. Right now it's touring the house; let's not jump in bed yet.
I checked out SpyMac for pics on iChat (and yes, they look very real....maybe spymac finally has something here), and it doesn't appear as if you can remove those annoying chat bubbles. Unless Apple pulls off something amazing with iChat, I'm sticking with adium.

BTW, if you want multi-protocal support, check out proteus. I personnally like the interface more in adium, but proteus can use MSN, Yahoo, etc.
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