I spent another nearly 6 hours dealing with Apple yesterday. Initially I was stood up (for the third time) when the phone call from Apple at the scheduled time did not take place. Again the agent was unavoidably out of the office.
I finally got someone else to carry on with the matter. I then spent a further two and a half hours trying to do, and then doing, tests with Apple yesterday. Using a downloaded executable on my ipad that was supposed to collect data for the engineering team.
You would think that would help. But no. They then wanted me to repeat this activity on all three devices. This would take a further 5 hours to do. I said I could not devote more time to the matter and could they not use the diagnostics from the ipad. We could do diagnostics on the mac and iphone too at a later time if it turned out to be essential.
Then I get an email that says "we were glad to be able to assist you. If you need help with a new issue, please contact Apple Support" .... they just closed the case and I am stuck with the problem.
As I posted before when 'Apple tell me they are escalating to engineering.... these magic words that translate to stop bothering us'