I have typed it in correctly SEVERAL times... it works for a while and then asks again on my computers (not my iPhone). This happened back when we moved from .mac to MobileMe... PAIN! But I'm sure this too will pass...
Case sensitive!
i had to update my old "me.com" password to meet the new 1 cap/1number parameters on icloud.
does this just mean the server is jacked?
password is correct, worked about an hour ago, now its asking me for password.
i wish i could edit the incoming mail server. its at p01-imap.mail.me.com
Apple indicate there is a problem on their website. Its MobileMe all over again.
Steve Jobs will be rolling in his grave...
Guess we can't be too harsh on Apple, they only just went live for everyone and couldn't have fully been able to test the server load until it went live. Long as this is a rare occurrence.
It's a free service, but I'm still paying as a MobileMe user, so I'm fuming.