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so really... !? my emails being deleted or marked as "read" are not going to synch over my devices!?!?!? this is the only thing that really worked for me on mobileme!????

VERY annoying if so... that was a big reason i changed my email to @me int eh first place from comcast.

so really... !? my emails being deleted or marked as "read" are not going to synch over my devices!?!?!? this is the only thing that really worked for me on mobileme!????

VERY annoying if so... that was a big reason i changed my email to @me int eh first place from comcast.

Sync but not Pushed. I.E. You have to OPEN the Mail App on your iOS Device for things like this to Sync. iCloud (like MM) only Pushes New Mail to your iOS Device. So if you are working at your Mac and you have read all of your email the RED BADGE on your iOS devices still show that you have mail to read. But once you OPEN the Mail Client it Sync's Properly. Some of us feel this is to save Battery on your iOS Device since maybe you are not using both devices at the same time. Who Knows. That is simply how Apple designed it to work.
Is there a solution yet?

So is there anyway to go about fixing this problem? Can emails be synced across all devices yet? I am using Mail on all my devices and am finding it annoying that when I go back to my Macbook at night after reading all my emails on my iPhone all day, it presents me with a number of "unread" notifications. :confused:

Thanks guys!
So is there anyway to go about fixing this problem? Can emails be synced across all devices yet? I am using Mail on all my devices and am finding it annoying that when I go back to my Macbook at night after reading all my emails on my iPhone all day, it presents me with a number of "unread" notifications. :confused:

Thanks guys!

I think we are stuck with it unfortunately, many of us who paid for MobileMe asked for the system to update read status over all devices but to no avail

Apple have taken the decision to enforce this on us, and do not seem to be moved from that decision in the face of literally 10,000's of protests from users

It is a shame really as it blights iCloud email for me and as become a big issue that stops me using it, I just can't stand to see emails I have dealt with on my Mac to still be unread on my iPhone hours later

So I use Gmail as that "Just Works" :)
I have set some of my email to "fetch" rather than push. If I didn't, my company email would suck my iPhone's battery dry before lunch. Of course my account is still push as is my gmail account. To me the unread counts and badges seem to work flawlessly.

If I open an email on my iPhone, it is marked read on my Mac and vice versa. If I haven't opened mail on my iPhone, mail in one of my fetch accounts doesn't get checked. This is how I want it to work lest I have to cart around one of those heavy "battery booster" iPhone 4 cases. :eek:

I have never witnessed a situation where I read an email on any of my iThings or my Mac and it was not marked read on the other devices. All of my badge unread counts and unread message issues are related to my fetch accounts (which are still IMAP btw) and they are a bit annoying but no big deal when compared to a dead battery.

@KenOzz, I tend to be pretty vocal with Apple when they do stupid things but I can't seem to find a problem with the way iCloud handles IMAP. Can you elaborate on what is broken?
@KenOzz, I tend to be pretty vocal with Apple when they do stupid things but I can't seem to find a problem with the way iCloud handles IMAP. Can you elaborate on what is broken?

Yes of course and thanks for the info

Well for me MobileMe and now iCloud have never updated the "Read Status" across all my devices:mad:

It will update Mac to Mac, and iPhone to Mac

But if I read a email on my mac and say delete it, the same email will still be displayed as unread on my iPhone and iPad, and will need me to manually refresh it by going into the iPhones mail app

Along with many others I complained to Apple as a MobileMe user and was referred to this Apple Support Document

I have also complained as an iCloud user and again been referred to the same Document

I am told that this document is still the official Apple position so I am delighted to hear that you do not have the same problem

So can I ask you just so I totally understand what you are saying

With iCloud email set to "push"on both your Mac and iPad,iPhone or iPod , are you saying if you read and delete an email on your Mac this is instantly updated across all your devices including your iPhone,iPad, or iPod

If so you are the first person to say this in the literary 100's I have spoke to about this problem

So I wait with anticipation for you reply as if it works for you it must work for us all

In this Blog it is suggested that IOS does not support IMAP IDLE protocol hence the reason it will not update link below

So your comments are truly eagerly awaited :)
I do not believe the "Read Status" has been "fixed" since Apple does not consider it a problem. That is how it was designed to work. Again, they could change the "design" but that would not be a FIX. I have seen multiple people say that it actually works different then designed to work but after further testing they have all been wrong "in the past".

As far as the reason being "IMAP IDLE". Again, I do not buy that argument. It simply was not designed to work.

The way iCloud works and MobileMe before is when there is new mail for your Inbox then your mail client on your iOS device is notified and the mail is loaded. The problem is that iCloud does NOT notify any iOS Device that your mail was deleted or read. Of course they could change that if they wanted too.

The only logic I can come up with for the design. The person below posted that he works all day on his Mac and then at the end of the day he picks up his iPhone and it still says that he has a bunch of unread email. Then he OPEN's the mail and it checks with the server and Sync's the Read Status (I would assume in seconds). I think Apple feels this is better then having his phone being updated thru out the day when he is not even looking at it. I can only guess it has to do with battery life.

To me a worse problem is that if you have Rules setup to move Inbox mail to folders, I do not believe the Read Status is updated for those even after you open the mail. With Hotmail you can say which IMAP Folders you want to PUSH. Not sure if you can do this with GMail. Apple really should add this as well or they just simply Push all IMAP folders and not just the Inbox. Actually I have not tested the folders problem recently.

As I have stated in my prior post, I wish they would change this to be more like Active Sync and/or the way it works on the Mac Mail Client.
I do not believe the "Read Status" has been "fixed" since Apple does not consider it a problem. That is how it was designed to work. Again, they could change the "design" but that would not be a FIX. I have seen multiple people say that it actually works different then designed to work but after further testing they have all been wrong "in the past".

As far as the reason being "IMAP IDLE". Again, I do not buy that argument. It simply was not designed to work.

The way iCloud works and MobileMe before is when there is new mail for your Inbox then your mail client on your iOS device is notified and the mail is loaded. The problem is that iCloud does NOT notify any iOS Device that your mail was deleted or read. Of course they could change that if they wanted too.

The only logic I can come up with for the design. The person below posted that he works all day on his Mac and then at the end of the day he picks up his iPhone and it still says that he has a bunch of unread email. Then he OPEN's the mail and it checks with the server and Sync's the Read Status (I would assume in seconds). I think Apple feels this is better then having his phone being updated thru out the day when he is not even looking at it. I can only guess it has to do with battery life.

To me a worse problem is that if you have Rules setup to move Inbox mail to folders, I do not believe the Read Status is updated for those even after you open the mail. With Hotmail you can say which IMAP Folders you want to PUSH. Not sure if you can do this with GMail. Apple really should add this as well or they just simply Push all IMAP folders and not just the Inbox. Actually I have not tested the folders problem recently.

As I have stated in my prior post, I wish they would change this to be more like Active Sync and/or the way it works on the Mac Mail Client.

I actually agree with all your post but I was querying the statement by r0k below

"I have never witnessed a situation where I read an email on any of my iThings or my Mac and it was not marked read on the other devices."

And had hoped that he had discovered something I hadn't but as you say iCloud like MobileMe is designed to be like that
I actually agree with all your post but I was querying the statement by r0k below

"I have never witnessed a situation where I read an email on any of my iThings or my Mac and it was not marked read on the other devices."

And had hoped that he had discovered something I hadn't but as you say iCloud like MobileMe is designed to be like that
I understand and that is why I put in "I have seen multiple people say that it actually works different then designed to work but after further testing they have all been wrong "in the past".
I understand and that is why I put in "I have seen multiple people say that it actually works different then designed to work but after further testing they have all been wrong "in the past".

Yes fair point :)

I was more hopping than expecting

Comparing Gmail and iCloud sync across devices

With an iPhone, iPad and desktop - Mac Mail or Gmail depending on syncing used - I sent 10 emails from hotmail to my iCloud account using iCloud sync and 10 emails to my Gmail using Gmail sync. I looked at how new email notifications were synced across devices, and how read status update notifications were synced. The conclusions are at the bottom of the mail if you want to cut the cr@p.

Test 1 - iCloud sync
New mail notifications - Sending emails to iCloud results in instant notification across all devices within around 15 seconds at the most. This was repeated several times with hotmail, gmail and yahoo mail.

Read status notifications - Opening an email in mac Mail updates the read status on iphone/ipad on a 15min cycle (as in settings) if the mail app is open on the device. Read status also updates when the app enters the foreground or is refreshed. Read status isn't updated when the app is simply sitting in the background, unless a new mail notification comes through to wake it up.

Opening the email on the iphone instantly updates mac Mail. It updates the read status on ipad on a 15min cycle (as in settings) again only if the mail app is open on the device. Read status also updates when the app enters the foreground or is refreshed. Read status isn't updated when the app is simply sitting in the background, unless a new mail notification comes through to wake it up. i.e. same as above

Working back the other way, opening the email on the ipad again instantly updates mac mail. It updates the read status on iphone on a 15min cycle (as in settings) if the mail app is open on the device. Read status also updates when the app enters the foreground or is refreshed. Read status isn't updated when the app is simply sitting in the background, unless a new mail notification comes through to wake it up. i.e. same as above

Test 2 - Gmail sync
Next I turned off iCloud sync and re-enabled Gmail sync on all devices, turning off the forwarding to iCloud I had set up.

New mails notifications - Now, when sending emails to gmail from hotmail, these took a lot longer to arrive. After 4 minutes or so I tried a refresh on Gmail and still nothing. Is this hotmail I wondered. So I sent a mail to gmail from my Yahoo account, a few minutes later, still nothing from either. Finally I sent an email from my Mac mail on the desktop. Interestingly, mac mail arrived on Gmail and all Gmail synced devices instantly, followed by yahoo mail around 4 minutes after it was sent. I was still waiting for the 2 emails from hotmail to arrive in my gmail account and on the synced devices 10-15mins later. Still, although not conclusive it seems gmail finds iCloud easier to handle than yahoo mail which is easier to handle than the painfully slow hotmail.

Read status notifications - Whether you open a new email on Gmail in your browser, or whether you open a new email on the ipad or iphone, the result is an almost instantaneous sync of read status across all devices. Impressively, this takes place whether the app on the device is in the foreground or the background. It just works, perfectly. (sorry Apple).

To conclude, the crucial difference between iCloud and Gmail sync on devices is this:

New mail notifications - iCloud pushes new mail notifications to devices instantly, no matter if the mail comes from hotmail, yahoo mail or Gmail. The speed of Gmail's new email notification to devices seems to depend on where the email is coming from - iCloud being near instantaneous, followed by yahoo mail and then hotmail which can take up to 10-15mins. In other words, once processed by the servers, both iCloud and Gmail send out notifications to devices instantaneously but iCloud makes the email available much faster and therefore pushes it out a lot quicker more consistently than Gmail. So, in terms of how quickly mail is pushed out to all devices from the time the email is sent iCloud wins.

Read status notifications - With Gmail synced devices, updates in read status occur whether the mail app is open or whether the app is running in the background i.e. updates in read status are instantaneous. With iCloud, updates in read status will occur at regular intervals (assume 15mins) but only when the mail app is open. An update of the read status also occurs when the app enters the foreground or when you hit refresh. Unlike Gmail, read status isn't updated when the app is simply sitting in the background, unless a new mail comes through to wake it up. Your unopened mail count therefore will not change until an event occurs. In this sense, Gmail sync wins easily as read status is pushed across devices instantaneously. Unlike its new mail notification, iCloud relies on events taking place - enter foreground, hit refresh, new mail notifications - to update the read status. It relies on you being active both receiving emails and opening, closing and refreshing the app to update you. For me this is inconvenient but not a massive pain in the @ss. It could be improved if read status was updated by whatever event is triggered when the phone becomes active after Slide to Unlock, or hell why not simply implement the same push notification that Gmail and every other app seems to shoehorn into it's functionality to drain my battery.

Anyway, as this is the current state with iCloud sync, to get the optimum behaviour , in Mail, Contacts, Calendar make sure all your devices have iCloud mail sync set to on, and that Fetch New Data is set to push Every 15 Minutes. In Fetch New Data's advanced settings, iCloud should be set to Push.

Unless anyone has any bright ideas? Can I have the last few hours back too please?
Does this sync problem get resolved in iOS 6?

Yes Partly (in my case)

I read an email on my Mac the status badge on my iPhone still shows as 1 unread

But when I delete or move the email on my Mac it deletes or moves the message on my iPhone

So a big improvement
Does this sync problem get resolved in iOS 6?
No. Also, not sure KenOzz is correct. I believe everything is the same as before. You can make all of you changes on the Mac but you will still see the red circle count until you open the Mail App. This is how Apple has designed this to work.
No. Also, not sure KenOzz is correct. I believe everything is the same as before. You can make all of you changes on the Mac but you will still see the red circle count until you open the Mail App. This is how Apple has designed this to work.

I know what you mean but thats how its working for me,

if I move a message or delete a message it updates my iPhone tied it several time prior to posting this,
I know what you mean but thats how its working for me,

if I move a message or delete a message it updates my iPhone tied it several time prior to posting this,
How would you know for sure without opening up the Mail App on your iPhone to verify?

My understanding is that the mail app on your phone does not update until a new email is sent to the phone or you open the mail app. But it does not send a push notification for other activity. Maybe you are getting new mail along with the deletes or you simply keep the mail app open.

What most people are asking for is that all activity be PUSHED to the iPhone Mail App when it happens just like NEW MAIL. This is how some other mail accounts work. I believe Apple does not want to wake up the phone for those events to maybe save battery life because why else would they just not do it.
How would you know for sure without opening up the Mail App on your iPhone to verify?

My understanding is that the mail app on your phone does not update until a new email is sent to the phone or you open the mail app. But it does not send a push notification for other activity. Maybe you are getting new mail along with the deletes or you simply keep the mail app open.

What most people are asking for is that all activity be PUSHED to the iPhone Mail App when it happens just like NEW MAIL. This is how some other mail accounts work. I believe Apple does not want to wake up the phone for those events to maybe save battery life because why else would they just not do it.

Well this is what is happening my end I will say my previous experiences I posted were when using Sparrow Mail on both my Mac and Macbook

After the IOS6 upgrade I get an email to my .me account it shows on my mac and it shows on my iPhone ie both have an unread badge icon on the App

Using Sparrow I read the message on my Mac it cancels the badge icon on my mac, the badge icon dose not change on my iPhone it still reads as (1)

I then Delete or move the message in Sparrow Mail and immediately the badge icon on my iPhone disappears IE no icon

I go into the mail app on my iPhone and the message as gone now I have done this 30 times and 10 times before posting this reply to you

Now if I do the same thing using the stock mail app on my Mac the it acts like it always as, and in the way you have described ie it will not update my iPhone

So can I suggest you try it out using Sparrow Mail on your Mac again I have just tried it again using Sparrow and the email message is updated "Pushed" on my iPhone once I have deleted or moved the message in Sparrow on my Mac

Try it using Sparrow Mail on your Mac see what happens
Well this is what is happening my end I will say my previous experiences I posted were when using Sparrow Mail on both my Mac and Macbook

After the IOS6 upgrade I get an email to my .me account it shows on my mac and it shows on my iPhone ie both have an unread badge icon on the App

Using Sparrow I read the message on my Mac it cancels the badge icon on my mac, the badge icon dose not change on my iPhone it still reads as (1)

I then Delete or move the message in Sparrow Mail and immediately the badge icon on my iPhone disappears IE no icon

I go into the mail app on my iPhone and the message as gone now I have done this 30 times and 10 times before posting this reply to you

Now if I do the same thing using the stock mail app on my Mac the it acts like it always as, and in the way you have described ie it will not update my iPhone

So can I suggest you try it out using Sparrow Mail on your Mac again I have just tried it again using Sparrow and the email message is updated "Pushed" on my iPhone once I have deleted or moved the message in Sparrow on my Mac

Try it using Sparrow Mail on your Mac see what happens

As a follow up to my post above i have now used Sparrow Mail on my Mac's and without exception my iPhone and iPad read status updates across all devices when I move or delete a message on my mac

I have done this now for 5 week and with over 500 emails so for me the push across all devices is fixed
Over 6 years later and this *still* hasn’t been fixed unless I have missed a setting somewhere.
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