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Weird, and you have completely signed out of iCloud and in again? (i know i'm basically saying turn it off and on again, but its worked for most iCloud issues)

I know that Mail and Notes sync via IMAP and it's somehow a different system than the rest of the items that sync in iCloud, hence why you used to have to create an "" email address when you wanted to sync notes. Something must be wrong on the server side then

Yes. Spent hours on the phone with the same AC senior over several weeks.
Hi, how's everyone going with the issue? Mine is still going? And AppleCare is trying to get me to do the log files again and again. But I refused to do it as it has wasted lots of my time already.

If someone has got any news, please post here to keep everyone updated. Thank you.
Curious if everyone's issue is fixed with the 10.12.3 beta. Read a few posts about how their Notes started working after going to that beta. As for myself, nothing. Support is pretty worthless. Going on a month now and I've just sent them a bunch of logs, updates, and I've reset all my machines on their recommendations and it's still not working.
They told me to wait for the next iOS and macOS updates, so that's what I am doing.
I could not wait any longer for Apple to fix this. After trying out several competitor apps, I finally landed on one that I am very happy with. For those who are interested in making a switch, it's called Bear
The whole sync process (iOS <-> Cloud <-> macOS) seems to be working again after updating to macOS 10.12.3 / iOS 10.2.1 today. Finally!.
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The whole sync process (iOS <-> Cloud <-> macOS) seems to be working again after updating to macOS 10.12.3 / iOS 10.2.1 today. Finally!.

I was just coming here to ask this.

I have just gotten home form work so I don't know yet. While I'm glad it's working now, it should not have take almost 2.5 months to get a fix.
This is also fixed for me... but... Does everyone still have all their notes?

I't looks like lots of notes are missing, things I've collected over time - they could have disappeared at any point in all the uninstalling, reinstalling etc etc that went on over the past month or so - just I haven't been in the app since the syncing went awry.

Anyone else, or just me?
I think the war is over. Just update to ios10.2.1. My iPhone can sync any notes now to as before.

Can anyone just try?
Fixed for me with the updates yesterday. I ended up with a few double notes but everything was there.
Pretty scary that a bug like this could get through Apple's testing. Makes me not comfortable trusting Apple Notes with my data, even if they've finally fixed things after 2.5 months.
Pretty scary that a bug like this could get through Apple's testing. Makes me not comfortable trusting Apple Notes with my data, even if they've finally fixed things after 2.5 months.

Yes, totally agreed with JTravers. Can't trust Apple anymore. Since I made a switch, I won't touch the Notes anymore. Just in case, they will have problems again. Also, the guy from AppleCare never mentioned to me if they have any timeframe to fix it. Just keep asking me to do the stupid logging files. Wasting lots of time...
Hi Everyone, though the issue is fixed. However, the search function isn't working as good as expected. I couldn't find any notes by entering a keyword on the right hand corner. This happens in iOS and macOS. Can anyone please try and let me know if there is any trick that can make it work?

Thank you.
Hi Everyone, though the issue is fixed. However, the search function isn't working as good as expected. I couldn't find any notes by entering a keyword on the right hand corner. This happens in iOS and macOS. Can anyone please try and let me know if there is any trick that can make it work?

Search seems to work as expected for me, on iOS and on macOS.
I didn't test exhaustively, but half a dozen word searches showed the same results on the mac and on the phone.
Only and my iPad pro is having the same result. But my iPhone and iMac are having the issue. Not displaying for some old notes...
Works for me.

I just started having this problem this week... my Mac and iPad both sync notes up and down from iCloud but my iPhone 7+ only syncs down from iCloud and does not sync up to iCloud. I've been on 10.2.1 for iOS and 10.12.3 for MacOS since they came out.

Anyone have any ideas?
I just started having this problem this week... my Mac and iPad both sync notes up and down from iCloud but my iPhone 7+ only syncs down from iCloud and does not sync up to iCloud. I've been on 10.2.1 for iOS and 10.12.3 for MacOS since they came out.

Anyone have any ideas?
Contact support and maybe they'll escalate you to an engineer.
Not sure if this was mentioned somewhere in the thread, but if you're looking to back up your notes, I found Exporter fit the bill perfectly. It's a free app in the App Store and its interface is a simple one click to export all your notes (in their respective folders) in .txt files to your local hard drive.

Once you're ready to import your notes back to the Notes app, it works perfectly. The only downside, and I consider it quite minor, is you will lose any formatting (title, header, bold, color, etc.)

Hope this helps some folks.

As an aside, when I ran the debug in I did lose all of my notes that I had moved from iCloud to "On My Mac," so I strongly recommend backing up outside of Notes. So glad I decided to use Exporter as well.
In case anyone else is looking at this like I was a moment ago...

Sync issue between Mac, iPad, iPhone, iCloud. If I enter or edit a note on web based iCloud notes, it would appear on all devices. If I enter a note or edit on the Mac it will sync across all devices. If I edit or create a note on either the iPad or the iPhone it will NOT sync across any devices.

This is maddening because you see a note from the Mac on the phone, assume it is all syncing fine, edit it on the iPhone/iPad and the edits do not show next time you need them on the Mac, but are there on the phone. If you use the notes app across devices for work as I do this is a big problem.

Various reports of a January iOS update that fixed the problem, but as its now August and I still very much had this problem its a different issue. The solution I found was to log out of iCloud on the iPad and on the iPhone and log back in. Normal syncing across devices resumed. I lost the out of sync notes on the devices though as they were reporting they were iCloud notes and not local notes, so when logging out of iCloud they went with it, even though they were never actually on the cloud, so make sure to manually copy the out of sync notes from your non-syncing devices BEFORE logging out of iCloud if you want to keep them!

I think the problem may have been that I was logged in to iCloud with one email address and the Apple Store with another email address. That should not have affected notes syncing across iCloud, but is the only obvious thing I can see it could have been. I have now logged in with the same iCloud address on the store too and it all working. May be worth considering trying that if you still struggle after logging out.

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I am still experiencing a problem with syncing Notes across my iphone 7/ipad pro/mba/icloud - it just won't sync. This started mid December 2016 and had customer service in Australia dealing with it (escalated to engineers). Then he slipped off the radar and so I went to the genius bar in HK , and they said they would escalate to engineers and that support just faded away and I am now on my 3rd round of support with Apple (escalated to engineers) .

All my devices are up to date. Am getting very frustrated. Am now awaiting response from this round to get on with more trouble-shooting.
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