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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
In Sept 09 the screen blew us away. It's not like they are going to make a new screen (aside from fixing the issues) right?

So what will be updated? A graphics card? How much better can they be? My question is, is it even worth waiting for the update if you really want and need one NOW? Would you be able to blind test an 09 and 10?

Even if it IS announced at WWDC '10, it probably won't come out until the fall, right?

If anything, it's just going to be more expensive... right? Is the only thing keeping those of us from purchasing the need to have the latest and greatest?

Part of me thinks its this, but the other party REALLY doesn't want to buy an 09 with all the faults and have to return it 5 times... but will they even fix these errors in the '10?
Everything has been fixed. Go ahead and pick one up. They won't be upgraded any time soon, especially not at WWDC.

I don't agree with your statement that, if anything, they'd be more expensive. This is usually not a trend apple takes. Most Apple hardware updates either give you way more for the same amount or way more and drop the price as compared to the previous generation.

No reason to wait for '10 generation. Get one now, be productive with it, and when they come out with a new one realize how much work you've accomplished in the time that it took them to update it.
Speaking as someone who owns a 27" imac go out and get one its not worth it to wait.

The next imac probably won't be to different. Just the usual upgrades under the hood and possibly a blu-ray drive.
Yeah I agree, if you are happy with the spec and everything now (and lets face it, it would be hard not to be), its definitely worth getting one as soon as possible and enjoying using it sooner.
WWDC is less than two weeks away, I'd wait just to be safe. They will probably update it, WWDC usually has a bunch of updates and the iMac is about due for one. Just check the buyers guide.
Pretty sure I'd be able to tell (and would be both happy and pissed) if they added an eSata port or an accessible 2.5" drive bay to easily add an SSD or something.
I'd probably break my own index finger for clicking "place order" on the current model if the new imacs came with solid state.
In Sept 09 the screen blew us away. It's not like they are going to make a new screen (aside from fixing the issues) right?

So what will be updated? A graphics card? How much better can they be? My question is, is it even worth waiting for the update if you really want and need one NOW? Would you be able to blind test an 09 and 10?

Even if it IS announced at WWDC '10, it probably won't come out until the fall, right?

If anything, it's just going to be more expensive... right? Is the only thing keeping those of us from purchasing the need to have the latest and greatest?

Part of me thinks its this, but the other party REALLY doesn't want to buy an 09 with all the faults and have to return it 5 times... but will they even fix these errors in the '10?

Don't forget, you only hear of the horror stories in forums like this and never the many many who have had zero issues. Chances are you will purchase a perfectly working machine.

Also, Apple would never announce an update and release it a couple months later like they did with the ipad and first iphone for the simple fact that it would discourage consumers from purchasing current models. If it was announced it would be avilable to purchase (at least through Apple) immediately.
COME ON APPLE. I would give you so much money if you just released an imac with USB 3.0 and (and true video inputs) (and Bluray) Why is it so hard to just give us the features we want!! Uhhg!!
COME ON APPLE. I would give you so much money if you just released an imac with USB 3.0 and (and true video inputs) (and Bluray) Why is it so hard to just give us the features we want!! Uhhg!!

No intel chipset yet; that makes it just a *little* hard. What would you even use USB3 for right now? There's only a handful of external HDDs that use it. You'll also never see bluray either.
they should be able to add an 2.5" SSD in addition to the existing 3.5" disk...but that is probably only us geeks that wants it at this point in time.

today it is memory and especially hard drive that is the bottle neck in the system. not that much the cpu.
Everything has been fixed. Go ahead and pick one up. They won't be upgraded any time soon, especially not at WWDC.

Are you NUTS?

Fixed? Where do you get this information?

There are still many reports of people getting yellow tinted screens. Ive seen them myself.

Do yourself a favor and WAIT until the next refresh, at a minimum. This current batch of iMacs is plagued with problems.
Speaking as someone who owns a 27" imac go out and get one its not worth it to wait.

The next imac probably won't be to different. Just the usual upgrades under the hood and possibly a blu-ray drive.

Is there a serious chance that iMacs will finally get Blu Ray support?

I have an external BD for ripping Blu Ray discs, and I've been eyeing a new iMac for some time as my current model takes 5 -8 hours to encode one movie. If they add a BD to the iMac, I'd be able to rip two at a time, and vastly speed up the encoding process. That would be an instant purchase for me!
Is there a serious chance that iMacs will finally get Blu Ray support?

I have an external BD for ripping Blu Ray discs, and I've been eyeing a new iMac for some time as my current model takes 5 -8 hours to encode one movie. If they add a BD to the iMac, I'd be able to rip two at a time, and vastly speed up the encoding process. That would be an instant purchase for me!

No chance at all.
Maybe Apple could add a '10:
* USB 3 (or some other external drive interface faster than FW800)
* Options for SSD drive - this is probably the biggest limitation on current iMac performance.
* Upgraded Graphics card -- only makes a significant difference for gaming (and if you're serious about gaming, you don't want any kind of mac, much less an iMac)
* processor speed bumps (probably not noticable in a blind test)
* blu-ray (ha - but you never know)
* Improved upgradibility (in a small way, e.g., maybe just the hard drive)
* tv tuner option (OK, I know that's not going to happen)

And they do occasionally do something off-the-wall -- some kind of never-knew-you-needed-it-until-they-released-it feature...

* touch interface
* built-in ipad dock
* web cam behind the screen so you can look directly at the person you are iChatting with
* ? I'm sure Apple has a lot better ideas than this :)
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