HDMI video input
I'm hold off for spec updates, it's only worth waiting for me because I don't need it until the fall semester, and will also be using it for mild gaming. Games like StarCraft 2, and Diablo 3 which aren't to hardware heavy to begin with but will still benefit from a updated GPU.
I'm also praying for an HDMI input
which I know is slim to non.. Apple obviously knows people want to use the iMac as a stand along display, idk why they just won't give it the functionality 
I'm hold off for spec updates, it's only worth waiting for me because I don't need it until the fall semester, and will also be using it for mild gaming. Games like StarCraft 2, and Diablo 3 which aren't to hardware heavy to begin with but will still benefit from a updated GPU.
I'm also praying for an HDMI input