Thanks for sharing your experience. No preference whether the top could be ripped off or flipped to be a convertable.
Have you tried connecting it to an external 4K display?
Don’t have one to experiment. Don’t see why it shouldn’t work. I use a 24” 1080p Monitor. No adaptors needed just plug in the hdmi cable into the machine.
I’m pretty OS agnostic so my main home theater is my ancient MBa. I use a 6TB lacie thunderbolt drive. It’s formatted for my Mac but a 10 dollar software lets the thinkpad connect to it via usb 3.
I desperately needed a laptop aug 2016 and nothing from Apple ticked the boxes. Absolute main reason? The keyboards. They were all horrible. And then, a normal clamshell seemed a bit boring compared to all this flippy stuff the windows machines were doing

granted I pretty much use it as a laptop but the movie mode is actually pretty awesome. Flipping through photos is great as well.
Price wasn’t a consideration. I make money off my machines and usually want the best but ... for way less than a MBP 13 I got a military spec thinkpad that does do double duty as a tablet when needed. I7, 512GB SSD, 16GB ram. Plenty of ports. 3 years ON SITE bumper to bumper warranty.
I mean if you’re absolutely stuck with the Apple ecosystem it isn’t an option. If you’re not, there simply isn’t any comparison anymore. You get way more for your money with a PC and given my needs it really was a no brainer. Cloud, onedrive , Gmail etc makes it pretty easy. I was a blackberry guy until a few years ago so I’d already transitioned my contacts and calendar to gmail. Syncs perfectly with the thinkpad , my iPhone X, the media MBA.
Apple needs to step up their laptop game. For a desktop AIO the iMac is king. My watch and phone integration is brilliant so iOS it is. Tablet, iPad Pro will probably be my next mobile system. I’d love a Mac nano. But actual work LAPTOPS? The entire line is **** right now. Windows is fast becoming a credible alternative.