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Microshack: Crap vista and poor security.


That vista looks great to me. Kinda wild.
The shopping experience would go something like this:

-"You are about to enter the MicroSoft Ultimate shopping Experience Mega Store - Cancel or Allow"
-"A store attendant is approaching you - Cancel or Allow"
-"The store attendant wants to ask if he can be of service - Cancel or Allow" infinitum...

Truedat. I think it would have no security things at the door, and there would be employees, but also people that were viruses and it would be like a game you would pick something up to buy it and they would come and snatch it.
you guys are giving miscosoft to much credit.. like c'mon in sure that shack has some sort of foundation... unlike something we're discussing:rolleyes:
Here's the new microsoft shopping experience.

when you walk in the store you are required to download new human updates as your current ones are outdated as soon as you walk in the door.

You must be wearing at least 3 different armor plating at the same time to be totally secure, otherwise the store employee will keep nagging you, saying "You are not secure, please put on at least 2 more pieces of armor plating."

You must be upgraded whenever a new product comes out, so you stay compatible. No one over 1 year old can run the new product, you have to upgrade to a 0 year old.

Whenever you try to checkout, the store computers will get a blue screen of death and take ten minutes to reboot while going through "allow or cancel" screens when downloading the newest update.

When you try to leave you will have to be X-rayed to make sure you didn't steal the product and the xray will lock you up for ten minutes. If you are pegged as stealing a product you will be shut down and required to buy the product and upgrade to a much more expensive version. The xray only has 80% accuracy.
Copy cats...

The store would be an EXACT copy of an Apple Store:

Instead of iPods, Zunes.

Instead of iMacs, the Averatec All-In-Ones:

Instead of white MacBooks, Averatec White Notebooks:

Instead of a black MacBook, IBM Thinkpads.

Instead of MacBook Pros, Sony Vaios

Instead of AppleTV, HP Media Center PCs

Instad of Mac Minis, AOpen's MiniPC

Instead of the Genius Bar, phones directly connected to Dell Customer Support.

And of course, instead of OS X, Windows Vista...

Store will look and be exactly the same otherwise... (or at least try...)
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