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Ah ok, I'm at work and haven't read the article. Cheers. Clarify the last sentence? The 5.5 isn't idiotic. If the iPhone is actual not a pohone, its a carry everywhere call capable 5.5 iPad Mini, then 5.5 is good. I knwo many who love their Notes. Its about using the internet more than a phone call. Everyone has different needs in this respect. Just like cars.

5.5" is idiotic since Apple sets the market, not the other way around. You may call me an iSheep, but trying to mimic Samsung is not a business strategy that works.

Trying to make users think that 4.5" is what they need (rather than want) is pure genius. That's what SJ was good at....
That's debatable.

iOS 7, Apple Maps, iPod nano 7th gen, Apple Watch..

For me, all these products fall below the standards that I expect from Apple. I know it's just my opinion, but I believe all of those products would have turned out better under Steve's guidance. So for me, the quality has changed, and that's what bothers me.

I agree some are less stellar than others, but I think also the ones that aren't so stellar have to be considered in the light of "hype" as well - other large tech companies have had equal or greater growing pains; and in some cases, like Gmail, still fall far, far below what I expect for privacy - which is as equally important, or perhaps more so, than my perception of how an interface looks, as is the case with iOS7. The Game Center icon is absolutely hideous but compared with larger aspects of OS security or fragmentation as in Android, the aesthetics aren't even a blip on the screen. Picking on Google (for the bald reason that I hate Google), they've also had glitches with their maps - but conveniently no one gets in an uproar over that because Google doesn't incite the hoopla that Apple does.

We shouldn't forget that (a) Apple doesn't have a 100% track record, even under Steve, and (b) compared with the industry Apple is still way ahead in very tangible ways.

I don't think Apple Now should be measured against Apple Then, as if when things 'get bad enough' Steve will come to the rescue and make it all better. The Visionary is gone, and the company is moving on as best it's executives can make it. These aren't Apple founders, they're men and women with their own unique careers already under their belt. It's sad he's gone and I have no doubt at all things would be different were he still alive, but that's how it goes.

Me personally, I'd love to have Apple continue on with the iPhone 5 size - I think big dumb phones are big and dumb... and a fad. But I'll still be buying an iPhone 6 because I need an upgrade and I still have every confidence it will be infinity times beyond better than Windows Phone (which is very good in it's own right), Android, BBOS, &c.

There. That's my opinion, for what it's worth. :)
The article does state that SJ does concede to a 4.5" device, we all know SJ eventually warmed up to many ideas once they got them right. However, 5.5" is idiotic. Double tapping to reach the top? The entire premise of the iPhone was to use your thumb and in one hand to reach everything.

The iPhone OS has been locked down since day 1 back in 2007. It is something called jailbreaking that gave you the apps you so much enjoy. Trust me on that one, SJ had to concede on that point once he saw what developers were doing in the 1.0.2, 1.1.1 and 1.1.4 days.

Steve Jobs was a business man first. If he saw a market for a 5.5" iPhone which if you look at sales so far clearly their is, obviously he would have created a 5.5" phone. As you say, Steve warmed up to ideas, well he absolutely warmed up to phablets, and certainly customization over time as the demand for it continued to rise. It's crazy to me that people seem to think that Apple would have stayed exactly the same over the years and continued to prosper. Times change, people's needs change.

The only difference between what Apple is now and what Apple would be with Steve is that Steve would have presented the products better and because it's Steve Jobs nobody would second guess it.
5.5" is idiotic since Apple sets the market, not the other way around. You may call me an iSheep, but trying to mimic Samsung is not a business strategy that works.

Trying to make users think that 4.5" is what they need (rather than want) is pure genius. That's what SJ was good at....

I think the word Samsung is overused. Put them aside for a minute. Every manufacturer makes big phones and phablets. The public lap them up. Is Apple mimicking Samsung? No. Is Apple mimicking the others? No. Apple has finally decided to meet the modern smart device market. You. me. The chick next door. We want bigger screens to use the internet, not 1.8's to 3.5's to make calls. I hate it when the old saying comes up, that we dont know what we want, but Steve does. That is so misplaced. So, the 7 million of us really want a 3.5? Were all wrong but he is right??? The correct saying is that when he created the modern day smartphone, no one had any experience with it, so he deemed 3.5 to be ideal, and it was cos all we did was text and call, so one handed is great. Its a different world now.

I wont call you an iSheep, you a fan, like me.
The irony is that I finished watching the keynote largely uninterested in the Apple Watch. But then I read this guy's take on how Steve would have presented the same exact device and now I want one. What a difference the presentation can make...
5.5" is idiotic since Apple sets the market, not the other way around. You may call me an iSheep, but trying to mimic Samsung is not a business strategy that works.

Trying to make users think that 4.5" is what they need (rather than want) is pure genius. That's what SJ was good at....

Keep dreaming. Apple is selling a boatload of 5.5". They give the market what they want, which is a better product than Samsung's bastardized Android development.
It's amazing how many people here are so much smarter than Tim Cook and yet aren't anywhere near as successful. is a pitch-perfect re-imagining of this week's keynote, hypothesizing on how we would have been introduced to the iPhone 6 and Apple Watch if Steve were still at the helm. I hate the constant chorus of "this never would have happened under Steve Jobs" but this essay is just spectacular.

If nothing else, it reminds me what we lost. And I say that having bought the "iPad Nano" 6+. Apple should hire the author of this piece.

What drivel. The author is invested in Steve's cult of personality, not Apple products. He's disappointed that he doesn't get to be a pure sheep anymore, with Steve telling him everything is perfect, exactly what he wants, and he couldn't want anything different, at least not until next time when Steve fills him in on what the new perfect is. It demonstrates everything I hate about people who are sincere when they start sentences with, "Steve never would have..." Puke. Puke. Puke.

On the plus side, without people like the author, no one would have bought the hideous iMacs Steve introduced when he came back to Apple, the company wouldn't have risen from its ashes, and AAPL wouldn't have been so good to me. That said, I can't think of a more tiresome group of people.
Very interesting read. I can see how this would've been much better than the actual keynote.

One thing to note though, is the average adult's thumb really 4.4" long though? Am I measuring mine wrong or is 4.4" just way too big? :p
It's amazing how many people here are so much smarter than Tim Cook and yet aren't anywhere near as successful.

Yep. TC may not be as flamboyant as SJ, and if what TC and his cronies say in a keynote is more info than flamboyance, thats a good thing. I also feel that under TC, things are moving forward better. SJ did what he did, but its a different world now, and our product of choice is developing faster and better
Very interesting read. I can see how this would've been much better than the actual keynote.

One thing to note though, is the average adult's thumb really 4.4" long though? Am I measuring mine wrong or is 4.4" just way too big? :p

Men always add on an inch when measuring things.
The article was so-so, however I agree with the author’s size suggestion.

I’m a little surprised Apple didn’t go with 4.5” for the smaller phone. Especially if they intended to go with a common video resolution for the larger device.

1280x720 @ 4.5” would’ve given it ~326DPI, maintained touch target sizing, made it a little more pocketable, plus created a little more differentiation and a nice even 1” between big and _bigger_.
Seems like I'm the only one who thinks hypothesising about how a person who passed away almost three years ago could've presented two consumer products slightly differently to how there actually were presented is a tad unnecessary. Some would say creepy.

Anyway, Jobs was infamous for doing U-turns on his opinions that seemed very strong at the time. Remember how Apple would never do a touchscreen iPod? Or an iPod that played video? Or how nobody would ever want to read things on a screen? Or how web apps were perfect and there was no need for an App Store? Or how only tablets that were at least 9.7" were useful? (OK, so the iPad mini was launched after Steve's passing, but he undoubtedly knew about it).

The Apple Watch has a lot of combinations, yes. But it's not like a phone where you just slap it in your pocket. People can be allergic to materials, they may work in different environments. Having a more personal watch definitely makes sense.

At the moment, there are (2 sizes * 3 colours * 3 capacities * 3 network models + 1 size * 3 colours * 2 capacities * 7 network models + 1 size * 5 colours * 1 capacity * 7 network models) = 131 different variations of iPhone you could buy. That excludes cases also. It's not hard to see why there were many variations of the Watch offered.

The world progresses. Maybe an Apple with Jobs still at the helm wouldn't have released a 5.5" iPhone and a wearable. Maybe they would've. We will never really know -- and that's probably the way it should stay.
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