I agree, but I think that there are a LOT of people in Cupertino who still think that Jobs had the TRVTH. It doesn't matter how many people at MR think so. What matters is that people who make decisions at Apple still think so.
Like those same people that decided a on producing a 12.9” iPad, and a 5.8” iPhone (or even a 4.7” model for that matter)??
Jobs had a very clear and publicly known and marketed opinion that the iPhone 4’s 4” inch screen was the perfect size for a phone, as it was the largest to allow one handed use. He also was known to go on and on about how the iPad’s 9.7” screen was “the perfect size” having built and tested prototypes in dozen of different sizes.
Jobs was also known to contradict his own decrees, which is perfectly fine, but if the “LOT of people in Cupertino” you refer to are as selective with their memories about what Jobs said, and what he “would have done,” then everything the do will be disingenuously toed back to some Jobsism they can pull out of context somewhere. Ridiculous.