When you match computers feature for feature Macs do not cost twice as much as Dells
Some models get pretty close while some exceed (Mac Pro).
and there's more than one type of consumer out there. Not every business needs to try to appeal to every type of consumer to be successful.
This is true but Apple is missing out on a huge consumer base.
And I assume you have proof that shows that dropping the prices by the amount that you want will increase sales enough significantly enough to be worth the risk?
Even if things don't go according to plan Apple can just raise the products up again stealthily (I.E. The diminish of the $999 iMac).
I'm not trying to bust yer balls or anything, but it's a common thing for people to say X costs too much w/o understanding why X costs what it costs.
It's easy to see why Macs cost more than PC's.
- R & D in hardware
- Paying top notch designers
- Justification of going all in on your own
- etc.
I'm just saying they should try bumping down their prices a bit more to attract more consumers while still maintaining a profit.
EDIT - What do you mean about Dell keeping low prices because of a "low overhead"?