If you only have an iPad - how does Apple expect you to sync your iPod?
what workarounds do people use?
With the ipod touch, via the iTunes store.
If you're talking about ancient iPods from before 2011 or so, then they always listed a PC or Mac as a requirement for the device. Current hardware trends with new devices don't remove pre-existing hardware requirements.
With out a computer how would you fix a very troubled iPhone needing to be reset in DFU mode?
RMA it. Get apple to fix it? Get a nerd friend to fix it? In future, same way you reinstall macOS on a Macbook? Boot it from the internet and reinstall?
Sorry but computers will not be replaced, for most, with an iPad. For me I can not ever see that happening.
Computers WILL be replaced, for
most, by an iPad, iPhone or
equivalent device.
Most people don't fix iPhones needing DFU reset either. They get a nerd friend to do it.
Most people want to chat, browse facebook/twitter/intagram/etc., do their internet banking/shopping, play games and consume media. The iPad handles that fine. In fact, better than a computer as it is lighter, better battery life, no fans, far more difficult to get malware on, etc.
Computers won't go away, no. But they'll be less and less common as time moves on. Fact is, most people, even if they don't know it yet - don't want a computer. They want to do the things that they've used a computer to do.
Once they realise that the computer is not required to do the things they do, they won't want one any more. As it is, tablets are computers anyway. And laptops and tablets are merging.
What will happen is that the desktop will likely become extremely uncommon, and the laptops/tablets that remain will effectively merge to be the same sort of device. Microsoft is coming at it from the Laptop -> Tablet line with the surface, Apple is approaching it from the other direction with the iPad Pro.