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I'd run it into the ground. As would anyone else not worth several hundred million US dollars. All of which is due to their extraordinary business savvy would do the same.

Bringing a company from near total collapse to such extraordinary heights is extremely rare. Finding someone that can even maintain it at such a level would prove exceptionally difficult. Tim Cook has a shot because he was selected by Jobs and presumably groomed for the position. Plus the company has a plan in place to try and ingrain the Apple philosophy on employees.
No matter if its someone living in Beverly Hills or a chinese worker in Shenzhen or anywhere in the world really , to me they are all equal and deserve the same rights , the same wages , the same living standard , including OSX on the computer of choice if they want it . and if they cant get up to our living standard then the only solution is we need to get down direction their living standard and meet somewhere in the middle
if i would run Apple i would start that , instead of spoiling shareholders and managment so they can buy a ferrari i would do good things with the money

because something like THAT would never happen if i would run Apple ..ok maybe in Cupertino when i cut wages of the management and use the shareholders money to improve living standards of the workers in China , they should earn at least minimum wage like if they would work in Cupertino and should not need to work more then 20 days a month

someone has to make the first step for a better live for all humans around that globe and just saying we are treating workers better then others is not enough if workers after working 30 days a month and doing 12 hour shifts still live far below poverty line
I take Henry Ford as a example :

from Wikipedia:
Ford astonished the world in 1914 by offering a $5 per day wage ($110 today), which more than doubled the rate of most of his workers. A Cleveland, Ohio newspaper editorialized that the announcement "shot like a blinding rocket through the dark clouds of the present industrial depression." The move proved extremely profitable; instead of constant turnover of employees, the best mechanics in Detroit flocked to Ford, bringing their human capital and expertise, raising productivity, and lowering training costs.Ford announced his $5-per-day program on January 5, 1914, raising the minimum daily pay from $2.34 to $5 for qualifying workers. (Using the consumer price index, this was equivalent to $111.10 per day in 2008 dollars.) It also set a new, reduced workweek, although the details vary in different accounts. Ford and Crowther in 1922 described it as six 8-hour days, giving a 48-hour week, while in 1926 they described it as five 8-hour days, giving a 40-hour week. (Apparently the program started with Saturdays as workdays and sometime later it was changed to a day off.)

Detroit was already a high-wage city, but competitors were forced to raise wages or lose their best workers
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including OSX on the computer of choice if they want it .

Not necessarily. No one has any right to that, apart from what the owner of the IP in question allows. You'll also be denigrating the integrity of your product by doing what you suggest.

someone has to make the first step for a better live for all humans around that globe and just saying we are treating workers better then others is not enough if workers after working 30 days a month and doing 12 hour shifts still live below poverty line

Excellent. So what steps have you taken?
I'd stop litigating and start innovating. I'd also start giving some of that giant pile of money to charities and try to change Apples image of a power hungry bully that likes to throw it's weight around and wants to run everything.
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Excellent. So what steps have you taken?

i did first quit my military career, Afghanistan and then Somalia opened my eyes about 25% of my income i creat with my business goes towards charitable causes , mostly direct to the people in need , as i dont believe in just giving food , i believe in the chinese proverb :
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. ...

So its better to give people money so they can send their children into schools and universities ,give them fishing equiment , or farming tools , so they are able to create a income for their communities and become independent from donations and not dependent , and they will live a happier life , and happy people dont do wars

and for Apple workers in China that would translate into if i run Apple and would pay them a normal wage by western standards , they have a better income , and can spend more money in their community , so the community is profiting from it too .
You can still buy shares from Apple if i run it , but dont see it as a way of making more money ,see it as a donation to establish a better and fairer world for all mankind

And capitalism has a tendency to backfire , because in capitalism only a very small minority can profit , and the majority has to pay the price to make that minority rich
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i did first quit my military career, Afghanistan and then Somalia opened my eyes about 25% of my income i creat with my business goes towards charitable causes , mostly direct to the people in need , as i dont believe in just giving food , i believe in the chinese proverb :
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. ...

So its better to give people money so they can send their children into schools and universities ,give them fishing equiment , or farming tools , so they are able to create a income for their communities and become independent from donations and not dependent , and they will live a happier life , and happy people dont do wars

and for Apple workers in China that would translate into if i run Apple and would pay them a normal wage by western standards , they have a better income , and can spend more money in their community , so the community is profiting from it too .
You can still buy shares from Apple if i run it , but dont see it as a way of making more money ,see it as a donation to establish a better and fairer world for all mankind

Then you sure told me, sir. Glad you did. Keep doing it and keep talking about it so it spreads around.

As for OS X, I'll keep disagreeing with you on that. Some IP needs to remain closed and unlicensed, lest we go the way of Windows on bad eMachine rigs. I wouldn't want that for anyone. However, the option is there: a computer with an OS on it. It just isn't the kind of market that's healthy for Apple or healthy for Apple's product.
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