Yeah. Meanwhile, upon further thought, I've decided $1700 ($~1900 with tax) is more than I'm comfortable with since I don't urgently need a storage upgrade yet. Storage is really the only reason I'm upgrading for.Is there anyone who IS happy when a company increases prices? But that’s life. You either need or want to upgrade or ya don’t. Of course prices will be cheaper later. Of course there will be sales for Black Friday and refurbished eventually. Only you can answer if you’ll bite the bullet and buy now or wait. Me personally? I’m biting the bullet and buying now. Um...that is soon as I decide between the 1 TB 11” or 12.9” iPad Pro. Heh heh heh.
I already got my 12.9" last year so my next purchase will definitely be 11". If I can only have one iPad though, I'll probably go for the 11". As nice as it is to have essentially 2x 9.7" iPads side by side, it's easier to bring the smaller iPad everywhere with me in my purses while the 12.9 requires laptop or messenger bag. In bed, I prefer the smaller one, too. The 12.9 hurts a lot worse when it falls on your face.