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macrumors 68000
Mar 6, 2005
kwajaln said:
I work in downtown Chicago. The homeless dude begging for change who I pass every day when I walk to the gym, he actually qualifies for the "very poor" title. Powerbook, iPod, internet connection (probably not dial-up either) is most definitely not "very poor". Maybe not well off, but not POOR! Nice try, though. :rolleyes:
Well said


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
CubaTBird said:
i dunno.. im mixed on ilife 06'.. the new full screen edit mode in iphoto 6 is nice and im sure the new version of garageband, version 3.0, has some cool features.. but other than those two programs.. i really don't see myself using the other stuff like imovie and idvd.. well MAYBE imovie for making burnable quicktime slideshows for people to watch.. but then again that has been around since version 4.. we'll see:eek:

Yeah, I know what you mean, I'm debating whether to buy it or not myself (although I probably will, who am I kidding? :eek: ;)) For me, it essentially comes down to, "Do I want to pay $100 CAD for iPhoto?" And I can somewhat justify it, but with iTunes being free, hardly ever using iMovie, never using iDVD or GarageBand, and uncertain whether or not I'd use iWeb, it is a tough call at the end of the day.
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