I don't know if this will sum it up but I too was (and still am from time to time; as you never lose the skills) a graphic designer. I went to college and quit (from an injury), but then couldn't go back as I couldn't afford the fees anymore. But I figured since I didn't like college anyway and this is in reality a trade/profession, I felt that college would have wasted more of my time and money. So I bailed and went back into sales for a few years, but in the back of my head I missed it.
I decided I was going to be a true student, but how was I going to do that since college was such a waste and I didn't want to be a slave to the system. Well, I found some menial positions that eventually landed me at the right place with one of the best graphic designers I could've ever been mentored by (actually 3 of them, but one in particular). But that took perseverance and a lot of prayer. I was amazingly grateful (and still am) for all the help that I received that I was actually able to pay forward with the amazing work that all of us contributed within that department that we worked.
BTW, If you don't know what I meant when I said "SLAVE," then you should watch this:
Also, Youtube pulled this same vid off of here where it was originally created and posted by Inflation.us:
It says:
"College Co..."
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Pepperdine University.
I would highly suggest you watch the vid I found and provided and let you be the judge as to why it was REALLY pulled off. Bottom line people don't like the truth. The reason why anyone would not like their position (by and large) is we work in a "rat-raced" system, and that system is falling apart and we're caught in the middle of that. It's called CHANGE. Now some people are starting to see these changes come and don't like it while others welcome it. Honestly, we have a rough road ahead of us as we're not even close to knowing how that "change" is really going to affect us here in the U.S.. If you still doubt what I'm sharing then you should watch these 3 vids in the order that I have them so you can FULLY understand everything that I'm sharing:
1) Money Banking and the Federal Reserve:
2) Fall of the Republic:
3) Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined:
If you don't want to watch these lengthy docs that show you ACTUAL VIDEO PROOF of what our past and current "leaders" want for all of us and what they want for themselves then, I'll share another video that I think really sums it up in 3+ minutes from (what I believe to be the best comedian - (truth revealer) of all time):
If you believe that what he's saying (or at least are questioning it),
THEN you should watch those 3 vids that I provided to get the
FULL PICTURE of what he was saying.
I know this topic was originally posted by ILikeTurtles and he/she was expressing that he/she was "burned out" from that position in that field of work, but this is a very related topic as this (again) will affect all of us here in the near future. I've been talking about this for quite some time and many have made fun of me, and that's fine because things are happening the way I've found out anyway, and it's coming with a vengeance. That's unfortunate and it breaks my heart, because it usually takes most all of us losing what we have to fully understand the appreciation of what was lost.
I hope anyone reading this will take time NOT TO BELIEVE what I'm saying but to do something that hasn't been done in a while for some of us… OUR HOMEWORK by watching and doing your own research of what these vids are claiming. THEN you can come to your own conclusions...
I'd like to say that none of what I've found out isn't going to happen, but it has and it's already here, and the lot of us are still "asleep" when it comes to TRUE world issues. Why? Because it goes right back to what I said in the beginning,
we work in a "rat-raced" system and that very system has kept us blind from the truth of what's really going on in the background and only a certain few people know what's going on and are actually
doing something about it. My hope is, that this will be you... Later...
Here are three alternative (REAL) news websites that will keep you up to date on what's going on so you can be better prepared on how to handle future events: