I have 0 experience in this area, but at first glance the "rn" in International is too scrunched, and looks more like "m"...
you know this you're getting paid were not is going to come up here
I'm not going to comment heavily on the designs as your client is the one who should be (plus I'm not getting paid), simple as that, they have to like the design(s) you put forward, they then pick the one or bits they like and then you come back with a new one .
But the "world" looks like a beachball without any colour. Also is it carers or careers
To be perfectly honest I don't really like any of them, they don't really do anything for me and I'm struggling to relate the design to the company, except the international bit. The "world" also looks familiar to atleast one of logo I've seen but can't think where.
Gotta be a globe, not a beachball
Is it Carers (people who care for others)?
Gotta be a globe, not a beachball
Its all right but needs a LOT of work to make it nice...what do you think to the conept of this logo, Its just a mockup!
what do you think to the conept of this logo, Its just a mockup!
Try going with a thicker, slightly more less formal font than the one you have, that'll allow you to get thicker without feeling too corporate...something like this:
I know it was just a quickie, but a mish-mash of four fonts is a no-no...
I know you have no control over the name, but the word "carers" is just so uncommon it looks mispelled. If you decide to go with the globe type logo that you have on the first examples you should created it in a 3d program so that all the proportions are correct, as it is now the whole globe looks a bit off.