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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 2, 2007
Hi guys,

I dont usally make logos so this is a new area to me. Be honest about the picture attached

Are any, any Good?

The person wonts a globe type of graphic?

Tell me thoughts!!

(images removes)

Thanks for any help.
I have 0 experience in this area, but at first glance the "rn" in International is too scrunched, and looks more like "m"...
I have 0 experience in this area, but at first glance the "rn" in International is too scrunched, and looks more like "m"...

Your Right, on the big image its no so bad but the small image it does look bad. Ill change it but ill wait for more replies first.

But Thanks
you know this you're getting paid were not is going to come up here :)

I'm not going to comment heavily on the designs as your client is the one who should be (plus I'm not getting paid), simple as that, they have to like the design(s) you put forward, they then pick the one or bits they like and then you come back with a new one .

But the "world" looks like a beachball without any colour. Also is it carers or careers :)

To be perfectly honest I don't really like any of them, they don't really do anything for me and I'm struggling to relate the design to the company, except the international bit. The "world" also looks familiar to atleast one of logo I've seen but can't think where.
you know this you're getting paid were not is going to come up here :)

I'm not going to comment heavily on the designs as your client is the one who should be (plus I'm not getting paid), simple as that, they have to like the design(s) you put forward, they then pick the one or bits they like and then you come back with a new one .

But the "world" looks like a beachball without any colour. Also is it carers or careers :)

To be perfectly honest I don't really like any of them, they don't really do anything for me and I'm struggling to relate the design to the company, except the international bit. The "world" also looks familiar to atleast one of logo I've seen but can't think where.

o.k, by the way im not getting paid so i should probs change the title
Gotta be a globe, not a beachball
Is it Carers (people who care for others)?
If it is, then this is a really, really weak name. Scrap the globe, I would be reinforcing the word Care (with a heart, or hand graphic) rather than International

Or Careers?

Why is it Young? What does that mean? Ideally, the logo will help us understand that.

Does International have to be the same size as the Young Care(e)rs?

I find the type too light. It can't compete with the globe and it may disappear or break up in small sizes / low res reproduction.
the client should prob start over with a new name, and actually pay someone who is a professional to help come up with that name and a real brand.

Its not your fault Miniman, you have nothing to work with, Young Carers International has sooooooooo many problems.
First...start out designing in B&W...eventually, no matter what the intended usage...someone is gonna fax this. So make sure the design looks good coming from a fax machine. Like others have said, heavier type.

If the client wants a globe, no problem...but you've given them a cold, logical, unfeeling, political globe...aim more for a natural, nurturing, feeling, life sustaining globe. And, following CanadaRAM's train of thought, find a way to get a more human element in there...maybe a globe with continents shaped like stylised youth/hands/hearts (actually...Africa and North America are basically heart shaped, South America and Europe are generally hand shaped).

Is YCI a group of persons caring for youth...or a group of youth caring for others?
Normally, I am opposed to graphic elements that break words, however, in this case, the name is so much of a problem, you may want to use a device like this (although in a better font and much better arranged)

Edit - OK I am several posts behind, you've moved on.

One thing about any photo or graphic you use, you must be sure it is copyright cleared (that is, purchase it from a stock art company, take it / draw it yourself, or make &#*)ed sure it's released as freeware.)

The hands image -- remember what we said about - "It has to work in Black?"

The third one: Who says that International has to be on the same line and the same size?


  • youngcarers2.jpg
    9.2 KB · Views: 409
  • youthcarers.jpg
    5.5 KB · Views: 411
  • Youngcarers3.jpg
    11.4 KB · Views: 394
what do you think to the conept of this logo, Its just a mockup!


That would not work in black & white. It would just be that general shape.
Even greyscale may be iffy due to the effect of photocopies.
Try going with a thicker, slightly more less formal font than the one you have, that'll allow you to get thicker without feeling too corporate...something like this:


  • Picture 1.png
    Picture 1.png
    11 KB · Views: 80
Try going with a thicker, slightly more less formal font than the one you have, that'll allow you to get thicker without feeling too corporate...something like this:

I know it was just a quickie, but a mish-mash of four fonts is a no-no...
Miniman. could you tell us a little more about the company/organization?

Is it people caring for youth...pediatricians, teachers, etc....or is it aimed at fostering more caring in our youth, educating them about world poverty, environmental issues...or is it neither? (if it's neither...then what is it about?)

Knowing more a little more about the client can help us critique your mockups more effectively and will help us give more appropriate suggestions/inspirations.
"The Answer" That looks pretty good.

Thanks for every1's help its reall kind, Thanks
I know you have no control over the name, but the word "carers" is just so uncommon it looks mispelled. If you decide to go with the globe type logo that you have on the first examples you should created it in a 3d program so that all the proportions are correct, as it is now the whole globe looks a bit off.
I know you have no control over the name, but the word "carers" is just so uncommon it looks mispelled. If you decide to go with the globe type logo that you have on the first examples you should created it in a 3d program so that all the proportions are correct, as it is now the whole globe looks a bit off.

Totaly agree with everything you just said, Thanks.

Do you like this one ANYONE?
I showed my client that logo above. He liked it but wonts it 3D like the one at the very top. I dont have any 3d programs or photoshop.

What Should I do??
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