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If this ain't ever a troll post, I don't know what is. It's a pretty good one though, I imagine you'll get quite a rile out of those that don't realize your trolling. :D
Trolling?? How is this a troll post? It wasn't meant to be inflammatory or offensive in any way. I've stated who I think the iPad's target market is. I'm thinking of people like my parents, my grandmother, the 65+ year olds that I work with on a regular basis who fear computers... or children too young to read or understand computers. I'm a big proponent of the iPad and intend to get one myself. Not sure what folks are finding in my post to get their panties in a bunch about, but I'm sorry that an intelligent, well thought out post has this effect on people.
Trolling?? How is this a troll post? It wasn't meant to be inflammatory or offensive in any way. I've stated who I think the iPad's target market is. I'm thinking of people like my parents, my grandmother, the 65+ year olds that I work with on a regular basis who fear computers... or children too young to read or understand computers. I'm a big proponent of the iPad and intend to get one myself. Not sure what folks are finding in my post to get their panties in a bunch about, but I'm sorry that an intelligent, well thought out post has this effect on people.

I don't think you're trolling or offensive. Just presumptuous. The target market are people just like you and me, who are computer savy and have many types of computers, all for different uses no matter what our age and know cool when they see it. There are computer phoebes in all age groups and will be just as intimidated by the iPad as they would be with a digital photo frame. I have two sons in that group and they are your age and younger.:D

...and I did put smilies in both my replies so relax and take the bunch out of your own panties. ;)
I don't think you're trolling or offensive. Just presumptuous. The target market are people just like you and me, who are computer savy and have many types of computers, all for different uses no matter what our age and know cool when they see it. There are computer phoebes in all age groups and will be just as intimidated by the iPad as they would be with a digital photo frame. I have two sons in that group and they are your age and younger.:D

...and I did put smilies in both my replies so relax and take the bunch out of your own panties. ;)
Well, thanks for the improved tone at least. I think I'm still being misunderstood a bit here though. I'm really not being presumptuous at all. I'm certainly not presuming that ALL people of a certain age are more or less computer literate, nor am I saying the ONLY market for the iPad is this less than computer savvy group. On the contrary, I am and have always been 100% in the camp that believes the iPad is a "game changing," "paradigm shifting," "revolutionary" product. I could have waxed on poetically about all of the many aspects of this device that I think will make it an amazing contribution to the technological world and to people's lives. In fact, I have... twice (, but unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) my posts got completely lost in the sea of comments. I think ultimately this IS a device that will have widespread adoption and it's uses will only be limited by the software developed for it.

My initial post in this thread was simply focused on the primary group that I think will see the greatest impact from the iPad... the ones for whom this device will bring about an entire new way of life. I'm not trying to single out "old" people, but rather the people who currently are completely missing out on the online world and the benefits of owning a computer. I know far too many people who won't go near one and they do tend to be about a half-generation older than me and above (again, I'm 43). I am excited to think that these people will finally be able to easily join the rest of us in the modern world.

Personally, as a production artist and animator, I'm anxious to start working for e-book and iPad app developers. I think the sky is the limit with this device.
Excuse me, old dude. I'm 43 and I know very well what some members of the generations older than mine struggle with regarding computers because I work with some of those people regularly.

Climb off your high horse, Mr Know-It-All and go take your Geritol.

LOL! I'm 62 and plenty technical, my wet-behind-the-ears-holier-than-thou-40-something friend! :)
Clearly you have no marketing background, expertise or even the concept of marketing if you truly believe that statement as written.

Apple markets its products for everyone.

If the $400 Dell crowd doesn't or can't get any, that's a different story. Apple doesn't market on price.
Apple markets its products for everyone.

If the $400 Dell crowd doesn't or can't get any, that's a different story. Apple doesn't market on price.

Who said anything about price.

Don't speak about terms you have no concept of. Do you really think the iPad's market is "everyone" - or are you generalizing. If you're generalizing then "fine." But if you truly believe that everyone on this planet is the target market, you're deluded.
Who said anything about price.

Don't speak about terms you have no concept of. Do you really think the iPad's market is "everyone" - or are you generalizing. If you're generalizing then "fine." But if you truly believe that everyone on this planet is the target market, you're deluded.

Sure, the iPad's market is everyone. Why wouldn't it be? Apple products have mass appeal, from the very old to the very young. That Apple's main demographic happens to fall into a certain income bracket is incidental. Apple products are still targeted at everyone. From "geeks" to the Average Joe.
Wow, I was wondering what the 1812 stood for in your username. I didn't even consider it might be your birth year! :p

LOL! I chose that number one day when adding numbers to my name, for a forum login--I wanted numbers that were easy to remember. Despite not being a history buff, it's easy to remember "1812", as opposed to some random numbers.
1 Kids who want to jailbreak it.
2. Adults who want to play games.
3. Parents to entertain kids in a car.
4. People who travel.
5. Older people who have no interest in torrents.
6. Anyone who loves Apple toys.
Well, thanks for the improved tone at least. I think I'm still being misunderstood a bit here though. I'm really not being presumptuous at all. I'm certainly not presuming that ALL people of a certain age are more or less computer literate, nor am I saying the ONLY market for the iPad is this less than computer savvy group.
My initial post in this thread was simply focused on the primary group that I think will see the greatest impact from the iPad... the ones for whom this device will bring about an entire new way of life. I'm not trying to single out "old" people, but rather the people who currently are completely missing out on the online world and the benefits of owning a computer..

I apologize for jumping on ya a bit, and I tend to agree more with your clarification somewhat. The boomer's were the big first adopters to home computing, so there are a lot of us out there. However, making a device simplier to navigate and more portable does not necessary flip the switch for computer resistent folks at any age. Especially since even though the iPod itself is easy to use, it still requires a user to have a desktop/laptop and computer skills to fuel up many of the iPad's uses (ie. photos, movies etc.). You might be able to hand Granny your iPad and she might enjoy the experience, but as a stand alone device she can run down to an Apple Store and buy to "get into" computers, I highly doubt. ;) One the other hand, children of all ages will simply love it! :D
My 65th birthday is coming up at the end of this month. The Medicare card arrived in the mail a few days ago. My birthday gift to myself? Why, an iPad, of course!!! NOT because I'm afraid of computers or don't know how to use them. I've been using computers since the mid-1980's and have been somewhat of a geek ever since..... Several Macs share the house with me, my iPhone goes with me wherever I go and I am really excited about Apple's latest new device. If my mother were still alive she, too, would be excited about the iPad......
Without the ability to stream 99% of video on the internet (as in, everything but youtube for the most part), a terrible screen for reading (honestly, would you want to read a BOOK on your laptop or desktop? You'd have a crushing headache), and no actual ability to do any work via productivity software and the like, I'm not sure.

It can't do anything a laptop can't, or a netbook I should say, which can do a million times more. I don't see it's appeal personally. It can't fit in your pocket, so it's not exactly portable, and seriously, hate flash all you want, but it's what the internet uses, no getting around that, and yea, maybe an alternative may come around in a year, but it'll be another 6 months afterwards before anyone starts converting over to it, IF they convert over to it.
This is an easy answer, everyone is the target market. If you have an Apple store nearby, go visit it and hang out for a while. You will find people from every walk of life in shopping, using the 1 on 1 services and so on. I see kids playing on the iMacs and the 60 or 70+ crowd learning within 10 feet of each other.

Apple clearly doesn't create for only certain market segments, they create products for everyone. The sales results would seem to back up the fact they are doing it rather well. :)
My 65th birthday is coming up at the end of this month. The Medicare card arrived in the mail a few days ago. My birthday gift to myself? Why, an iPad, of course!!! NOT because I'm afraid of computers or don't know how to use them. I've been using computers since the mid-1980's and have been somewhat of a geek ever since..... Several Macs share the house with me, my iPhone goes with me wherever I go and I am really excited about Apple's latest new device. If my mother were still alive she, too, would be excited about the iPad......

cool! I got my first Soc Sec check last month. Now I guess I should start asking restaurants if the give senior discounts, eh?

I started using computers in 1985. first one was an AT&T 6300. monochrome screen, 640k mem, 20MB HDD, no mouse. DOS 2.11... "all" that, and it was $2500! Taught myself how to program in R:Base so I could write a database for my business. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I left my chosen career field and drifted more and more towards the "techie" jobs such as tech support, computer repair, software QC, OS/desktop support, OS trainer, proprietary software trainer.

I almost went into programming, but decided that wasn't for me. I breezed through Pascal, but hit a brick wall in week 13 of my C class. :) Programming gave me a headache anyway. I'd rather be doing other things.

Because I like to keep lists, I have kept a running total of how much I've spent on computers/software/peripherals. From 1985 to date, I've spent over $47,000. ( $35k of that is for hardware) I wonder if folks who don't keep track of such things have ANY idea of how expensive it can be? :)
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