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A cheaper ipad that works with final cut for ipad for no more than $399, yes please all over that, but $1999 for an ipad... When will it dawn on Tim that less for more is a bad idea, that if you want to make cash, then sell more tat for less $$$.. I am sure that if I could get a new ipad that ran fcp for ipad for no more than 4000ZAR [Rand] here in South Africa, I would buy, that is ipad mini, with 256GB SSD, 2 ports, 1 for charging, one for external SSD.. It would sell extremely well, but a 25 000ZAR ipad is not selling..

I can’t tell if you’re serious or if you are trolling. Apple sells a cheap iPad, it’s the iPad 9th gen. That model has nothing to do with the Mini which is more inline with the iPad Air.

3rd party developers sell dongles for iPads so if you desire to have more ports that is easily available.
There is nothing wrong with what I posted, not sure why you assume trolling, what I do find "trolling" is Apple trolling us, with the lack of products, and bizarre design decisions, and silly concepts that really are mocking.. Does it make a difference if I am serious or not?? If it does, please explain...
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