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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 21, 2006
Well guys, just an update.

First, thank you for ALL the replies, ideas, input, and considerations. I appreciate all of it.

Over the course of the last few weeks, I've been going back and forth not only on which DSLR to get, but if I even need a DSLR. I began looking at Point & Shoot cameras, but I didn't like the shots they were taking.

But then I asked, why am I buying a DSLR before I know if I even need one, if I'm ready for one, and before I know which one to get? Also, do I really see myself going out and droping hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars on lenses? Not anytime soon, knowing I'm soon to be a college student, ie poor.

It dawned on me, that this might just be a "phase" I'm going through, and it might pass. So I really shouldn't drop a grand on a camera and accessories.

But I still wanted a nice digital. I went back looking. I really liked the DSC-N2. It was taking great pics, it was compact, it had a great LCD, and I liked the touchscreen display. But it was $400. At that price, I may as well get a D40 or something.

But then, I realized it was on sale for $350, I had a 12%-off coupon (I had disregarded, since it wasn't usable on DSLR cams), had a $10 RZ card, and a $35 giftcard.

I ended up getting the Sony DSC-N2 for a little under $300 out of my pocket *after* taxes. Too me, it was a great deal.

I just got home and started playing with it, and I think it'll suit my needs for now just fine. Do I still want that Sony a100? Heck yes. But with all the other things I want before heading out to college, that needed to take a back seat for now. That doesn't mean I won't end up getting a DSLR in a year or so, but for now, I'm quite content.

Yeah, it was quite a different purchase than I originally intended on making, but I'm happy with it. Plus, it cost me heck of a lot less $$$.

Again, though, I do greatly appreciate all the input you guys gave. Also, hopefully after some time with my new camera, I'll be able to post some decent shots in the "Picture of the Day" thread. :p

macrumors member
Jan 28, 2007
Nikon Vs. Canon

I'll just add my 2 cents..
While everyone knows that both Nikon and Canon produce technically marvelous cameras in every aspect and debates about superiority may go on forever, I'd just like to say that when it comes to ergonomics and usability, Nikon has got it in the bag. The placement of the shutter and aperture controls makes using any of their bodies a pleasure, specially in manual, their cameras are built to blend into your hand. Thats what I love about them too. Thank you.



macrumors newbie
Feb 3, 2007
I have an Olypus Evolt 500, have you thought about that? I LOVE it, the setup and everything are amazing. I am a novice to digital, having only done film before, but I think it is a good starter. I got an amazing deal on it after xmas, and I got the dual lens kit, which was more than I could have afforded with a different camera. The main thing I like about it, which is all preference of course, it that is doesnt have the info screen on the top which I find annoying, all the stats are on the (very large and bright) main screen. But if you found the Sony to feel best in your hands...that is always important imo :D good luck!


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
I just got home and started playing with it, and I think it'll suit my needs for now just fine. Do I still want that Sony a100? Heck yes. But with all the other things I want before heading out to college, that needed to take a back seat for now. That doesn't mean I won't end up getting a DSLR in a year or so, but for now, I'm quite content.

Yeah, it was quite a different purchase than I originally intended on making, but I'm happy with it. Plus, it cost me heck of a lot less $$$.

Have fun with it! You'll know if you "outgrow" it in due time, and in the meantime, you'll be taking pictures and not obsessing over which lens you should get next to fill the "gap" between whatever you started with and whatever you got next! ;)


macrumors 6502
Sep 2, 2006
Well guys, just an update.

First, thank you for ALL the replies, ideas, input, and considerations. I appreciate all of it.

Over the course of the last few weeks, I've been going back and forth not only on which DSLR to get, but if I even need a DSLR. I began looking at Point & Shoot cameras, but I didn't like the shots they were taking.

But then I asked, why am I buying a DSLR before I know if I even need one, if I'm ready for one, and before I know which one to get? Also, do I really see myself going out and droping hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars on lenses? Not anytime soon, knowing I'm soon to be a college student, ie poor.

It dawned on me, that this might just be a "phase" I'm going through, and it might pass. So I really shouldn't drop a grand on a camera and accessories.

But I still wanted a nice digital. I went back looking. I really liked the DSC-N2. It was taking great pics, it was compact, it had a great LCD, and I liked the touchscreen display. But it was $400. At that price, I may as well get a D40 or something.

But then, I realized it was on sale for $350, I had a 12%-off coupon (I had disregarded, since it wasn't usable on DSLR cams), had a $10 RZ card, and a $35 giftcard.

I ended up getting the Sony DSC-N2 for a little under $300 out of my pocket *after* taxes. Too me, it was a great deal.

I just got home and started playing with it, and I think it'll suit my needs for now just fine. Do I still want that Sony a100? Heck yes. But with all the other things I want before heading out to college, that needed to take a back seat for now. That doesn't mean I won't end up getting a DSLR in a year or so, but for now, I'm quite content.

Yeah, it was quite a different purchase than I originally intended on making, but I'm happy with it. Plus, it cost me heck of a lot less $$$.

Again, though, I do greatly appreciate all the input you guys gave. Also, hopefully after some time with my new camera, I'll be able to post some decent shots in the "Picture of the Day" thread. :p

Good choice, this way you can learn all the technical stuff (ex shutter speeds, f/ stops, iso...) without the bulk of a dslr, good luck and have fun with it


Scarlet Fever

macrumors 68040
Jul 22, 2005
I would suggest something like the Canon PowerShot Pro S3. It's not a DSLR, but has plenty of manual settings to tinker with. It's got a good lens, 12x optical zoom, and produces really nice images. You can also buy additional wide-angle and zoom lenses for it. It's less than $400 at Amazon.

agreed. I reckon the S3 IS is the best non-SLR camera money can buy. Give it a try before you go down the DSLR route. :)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 5, 2005
Don't know where you live, but if you live in Canada, avoid Canon. At some point, you may have to send your camera or lens in for repair, and there are not two facilities in Canada, and one (Calgary) is awful. I've also heard lots of complaints about servicing in Europe and Chicago in the States.


macrumors 68000
Mar 9, 2006
I was in your same position, and for me it was a toss-up between the Canon Rebel XTi and the Nikon D50. I went for the Nikon.

I'm biased, but holy jeez. I love this camera. I like the fact that I can shoot in RAW format, as well as JPEG.

What sold me between the Canon and the Nikon were two things: the menu (and button) setup, and the overall feel of the camera. The Canon I find feels a bit hollow, like a toy, and if I dropped it, it would definitely not work anymore. The Nikon felt as solid as a brick. I'm not disrespecting the Canon at all. It seems like a great camera, but I just liked the feel and overall fit and finish of the Nikon better, especially the menu setup.

I got the D50 kit with the 18-55mm lens. I haven't thought once about what could have been with the Canon.

Just my $0.02

EDIT: Woops. Should have read through the entire thread.

I'm sure you'll enjoy the Sony. Post up a couple of pics for us sometime :)
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