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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 7, 2008
hi there,

hopefully someone here can help me with this problem.

here is the situation:
the display of my late 2006 white 20" iMac is broken, there are several cracks in the screen. please don't ask how it happened:(

i went to the apple store and asked how much they would charge for a new screen. it is that expensive that it would be cheaper to buy a new alu imac.
the thing i thought about next is buying another broken imac with a safe screen. but that seems to be nearly impossible.

so i took a look at the display and recognized that apple uses the same panel than dell (2007FPW).
do you guys think there is a chance to use this panel as a replacement?

perhaps you have any other suggestions. i would be really glad.

Is it just the screen or is there damage in the LCD itself?

I'm not 100% but I don't see why another panel wouldn't work.
isn't the screen and the lcd the same?
all i can say is that there is a little hole in the screen and there are several cracks.

if needed i can provide a photo.
I got confuzzled...

I almost got the impression it was fine besides some surface cracks/scratches. I am not certain but I thought that someone had their outer panel replaced without replacing the internal bit. ...wait, :eek: damn it, I think what I am remembering was someone with a new iMac, meaning the glass, which I imagine is a totally different thing.

Don't mind me. :eek: (hopefully someone else has a better answer) sorry for the confusion.
Services such as TechRestore and ifixit (only for portables i think)
might be able to do it.
the official apple dealer in my town wants 800-1000€.
in $ thats 1.160 - 1.450.

i dont have a clue why the charge nearly 1000$ just for the screen. the rest is working hours.

Id recommend getting the panel before booking it in for repair with someone as it might be a simple DIY installation if they wires have connectors.
i have the service source for the imac so replacing it by myself is not the problem.

the problem is that just the display costs about 1000$. if you take a look at the market place or the bay you will see that you get a whole 20" imac for that price. not just the display. so the original replacement panel from apple is no possibility.

and since the same panel is used in the dell 2007fpw which costs about $400 new i dont accept paying 1000$ for the this panel from apple.
the problem with the dell panel will be the cables and plugs i guess. that is why i asked if anybody has ever replaced the imac panel with a foreign one.
so i took a look at the display and recognized that apple uses the same panel than dell (2007FPW)

Which panel is it? Strangely enough, both Dell 2007FPW and Late-2006
20" iMacs used the same two alternate sources of LCD panels:

LG.Philips LM201W01-SLA1 _OR_ Samsung LTM201M1

I believe the LG.Philips panel is available for about USD $250, and I'd
expect the Samsung panel would cost about the same. I don't know
whether the two panels are interchangeable as replacement parts --
it depends on whether the inverters (backlight power supplies) have
similar specs and matching connectors.

The other unknown is whether an iMac will recognize an off-the-shelf
(non-Apple) replacement panel as a "known" display. At startup-time,
the OS interrogates the display firmware for its "DDC info block" --
but I don't know whether the DDC block is custom-programmed by
Apple with iMac-specific information.

Here's an engineering data sheet for the LG.Philips LM201W01-SLA1
(that's what came in my 20" white iMac). If you have the Samsung
panel, Google might turn up something similar for that one. CAS Ver 0 1_General_050706.pdf

Google can probably also find a local electronic components dealer
with the panel you need -- maybe he could give you some guidance
on the DDC-compatibility issue.

...good luck,


today i tried to get the imac working with a

LG.Philips LM201W01 (from an iMac G5)

this _doesn't_ work. the screen stays black.
TFT iMac 20"

Are you sure? Is the same panel LM201W01? Correctly connected to inverter? Please, write me to: for more info. I adquired one tft from an iMac g5 20" for an iMac core 2 duo. Thanks and sorry for my english, I'm spanish.
Canyou please share your findings? I am also looking for a replacement screen for my white Core2Duo iMac, and it would be really helpful to know if it's an option to use the screen from a G5 20" iMac.
I know we had a thread previously where an aftermarket screen just wouldn't turn on, even though it was all connected up.

The problem is that if you're buying retail, you're looking at 250% the cost price on average, plus Apple will buy the panels dirt cheap just because they order in the hundred thousands.
I know we had a thread previously where an aftermarket screen just wouldn't turn on, even though it was all connected up.

The problem is that if you're buying retail, you're looking at 250% the cost price on average, plus Apple will buy the panels dirt cheap just because they order in the hundred thousands.
iMac 20" (white) - Display broken

To crisb-

Did you ever solve the iMac 20" (white) - Display broken problem that you had.

I think I'm in exactly the same boat you were in. I have a 20" Intel that has the LG.Phillips display in it (LM201W01-(SL)(A3) )
Any idea what the (SL)(A3) stands for.

There appears to be different types within the model number LM201W01.

I would even go as far as to try and replace with a part from another broken unit if I could be sure of the part.

Any help on this is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
20 imac intel broken display

hi all iv,e been searching the internet and found your forum.
i have a imac 20 with a broken display, i try to boot with external lcd with no luck, so if any of you guys work anything out please post thanks.
did any of you guys ever solve the broken imac display problem, im still trying to find a solution thanks.
hi guys

i managed to repair my core2duo with a panel from another core2duo (matching part number on the panel).
all other attempts (iMac G5, different Panel) failed.

hope that helps.
thats great news, good for you, im still looking aroung mine is LM201W01 SLA 3
i will not pay apple 900 for that panel so back to my hack .
Having same problem.

I'm surprised no one has solved this problem yet. Huge different between $250 for the dell panel and $900 for the apple panel.
I don't have the option of setting up a second monitor for 2 reasons. #1. There is no usable screen available to set up a mirror monitor. #2 Computer belongs to a friend and I want to make it whole again.

Unless I can replace the panel with a dell panel, my only option (aside from paying $1,000 to Apple) is to try to find a salvage machine with a known working lcd panel and swap it out, then re-sell the salvage machine for parts.

Finding a salvage machine, so far, has been unfruitful as they want $400-$700. I can currently buy a newer model refurbished Imac for about $900-$1K.

I can't believe that the dell panel cost that much more than the apple panel to produce.
I'm surprised no one has solved this problem yet. Huge different between $250 for the dell panel and $900 for the apple panel.
I don't have the option of setting up a second monitor for 2 reasons. #1. There is no usable screen available to set up a mirror monitor. #2 Computer belongs to a friend and I want to make it whole again.

Unless I can replace the panel with a dell panel, my only option (aside from paying $1,000 to Apple) is to try to find a salvage machine with a known working lcd panel and swap it out, then re-sell the salvage machine for parts.

Finding a salvage machine, so far, has been unfruitful as they want $400-$700. I can currently buy a newer model refurbished Imac for about $900-$1K.

I can't believe that the dell panel cost that much more than the apple panel to produce.

i stop looking a long time ago, what i did was open the imac and disconnect
the internal display then connect a external monitor with an adaptor
and kvm so now i just switch between my imac and my hack
if you open the imac be very careful that you dont break the mike
right next to the camera good luck.
I would think at this point the sensible thing would be to part out and sell the damaged iMac (working logic board with RAM and CPU could fetch $300 alone), and put the cash towards a refurb. You end up with a faster/newer machine with a 1 yr warranty and you are out of pocket by about the same amount.
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