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I thought I'd resurrect this thread as I've uninstalled FF3 and still had sleep issues with Safari 4.

If Safari 4 is open on certain web pages then the iMac will not sleep. Closing Safari down more or less fixes the issue 95% of the time.

Can anyone else confirm having sleep issues with newer Intel iMacs and Safari 4?

I've got a 2.66G Intel Core Duo, running Safari 3.2, and this just started happening to me a few days ago. Not sure if it's browser-related but I'll try that out.
It's simple, close any browsers

Any kind of flash animation on a web site can prevent sleep.
I too have this problem. I'm not sure if PleaseSleep is the cure, I'll try it.

I want my Mac to goto sleep after a period of inactivity. However I don't want it to goto sleep if I'm SABNZBD is downloading files, or if we are streaming a movie to the telly. How does PleaseSleep work? Does it simply look at your energy saving settings and put your computer to sleep when your computer has had no mouse or keyboard input for that period? Or does it look at your application activity? It sounds to me like it's pure input activity and not application activity, in which case it's back to wondering why Apple can't correctly detect application activity.
stuck keys...

This just started happening to me last night! I bought my 24" iMac refurb back in in May and it has *always* slept on its sleep schedule. The light from the screen woke me up in the middle of the night though last night. I went to restart this morning and all of the sudden my down and right arrows were stuck, but only when I was in finder?!?! Explain that one! No lolcatz or anything to step or smash on my keyboard...*except* for Snow Leopard that I installed yesterday.
…..and the wonderful Snow Leopard does not fix the problem either!

Nope, much to my disgust! I'm very happy with SL, partly because it only cost £30. I again tried closing all apps, unplugging everything, and reducing sleep til 1 min, but no deep sleep!
I had similar sleep problems with my MP, turned out it was my WD studio drive keeping it awake. WDstartupmenu something something kept sending request. Check console for what is keeping it up.

Got rid of drive and she sleeps again.
I had similar sleep problems with my MP, turned out it was my WD studio drive keeping it awake. WDstartupmenu something something kept sending request. Check console for what is keeping it up.

Got rid of drive and she sleeps again.

Thanks for that. Assuming I'm computer illiterate, where can I look within Is it DATABASE SEARCHES > All Messages?
Whoo, just realized my 20" 2.66 GHz iMac has this problem, too! I can tell it to go to sleep via the Apple menu, and it happily goes to sleep. But Energy Saver setting? Insomnia.

Using Snow Leopard 10.6.1 here, by the way.
I upgraded my iMac to 10.6.1 too, but it still has a problem.

Since then I've bought a MBP, and it sleeps on it's own no problem. However, I have noticed that my MBP (although on paper a slower machine), is significantly faster than my iMac, so I'm quite close to doing a clean 10.6.1 install on my iMac.

FYI - I've tried with all applications quit. Via USB I have EyeTV, Logitech MX Mouse, Apple wired Keyboard and a printer. I have detached all though :(
Sorry to bump such an old thread, but I just wanted to say my problem was solved!

Apple support walked me though the steps, and now I wish I've remembered the specific files I've deleted. There's two files in the System folder and two in the user's Library folder. But after deleting those files, and moving energysaver.prefpane out of it's folder and into my desktop and doing a restart, then launching the prefpane file to reinstall the energy saver preferences pane, voila! It worked!

At first I thought it didn't work, but apparently it takes a bit for the iMac to actually go to sleep after the screen blanks out.

In other words, a reinstall of Snow Leopard would probably have worked. :D
I think the issue is with the LaunchAgent "Antipop."

I had this no functional auto-sleep issue on 2 of my macs, the two with Antipop installed. In my long search to fix the sleep issue in the MacBook & Mac Mini I thought I had successfully UNinstalled Antipop by manually removing what I thought were all the parts to that LannchAgent. However, I still had no autosleep.

(console gave no hint that Antipop was keeping the Macs awake)

Just last week, on a tip, I decided to use the Un-installer script that comes with the latest version of Antipop.

But, at the same time I did happen to install the newly-released SL Security Update 2010-001.

Restarted, and for the first time since 10.5.something, functional auto-sleep was back! I blogged about my ordeal, should you be interested in the details, and continue to have issues with auto-sleep on your Mac.

Sorry to bump an old thread, but this was a near-year issue with my Macs, and there is little information to be found on this specific fix...The Original Poster even stated they had Antipop installed on their rig...
I've discrovered that most times if iTunes is playing it won't got to sleep.
But if I stop the music (leave iTunes running though) - voila.
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