I too think Apple will focus a bit more on GPU & gaming performance since Steam is out. Also, that article on the homepage suggests Apple is actively working on gaming performance. This is something Apple has never done before..
Most what I've looked where pretty same. i5 @2.3GHz vs 2.9GHz C2D, not huge difference between them, i5 can even be faster. 4850 beat it anyway. See e.g. Fear 2 and Crysis
ok, thanks! but without averaging, the 5850 is about 5% faster. the 5870 is only faster because of higher clocks.. sad i know how it consumes EVEN more power. 5850 is apples bet bet to hold of until the northern islands 6xxx series comes out which will bring significant improvements to the mac/ATI RADEON line. 5850 seems to be one of those preperation. AMD took the 5xxx family to put in new technoligies etc but decreased or incrementely upgraded the speed of the desktop products not the mobility, in fact some of them are slower which is kinda a flop for amd![]()
If you really have done a lot of research, you would choose i5 over i7![]()
However, I do not know the prices in your country on the refurbs, so the i7 might be a nice catch. And even if it is:
i7 is good for Rendering. If you render on iMac with i7, it is faster, but mac with i7 gets much much much hotter, which will cause damage to display or other parts. That happens on the old macs too... black stains appear on the screen.
iMac is really not for rendering. And for occasional CPU power, i5 is enough
As for update, I don't think it will happen until end of October.
I am an overclocker I know everything about i5 and i7
i7 gets much hotter than i5.
The reason Anandtech shows different Power Consumption for i7 and i5 is because the chips they used had different VID. Newer revisions of CPUs have lower VID.
VID is a Voltage specified by Intel for the chip. The voltage gets improved with new steppings or revisions.
In other words, they have a crappy i5 750 and a good i7 860.
Anandtech also makes errors. Things like TIM (themal grease) can get applied in a wrong way, the cooler might be mounted unstraight. However, there is no word about temperature in the article.
Here is link http://www.anandtech.com/show/2839/8
I had 8x i7 860 with different Batches and I had one with 62° and one with 49°C both under load. I remounted the cooler more than 5 times and applied TIM in different ways and one chip was hotter than the other.
In the Link you gave: They probably had mainboard lie down on a table, not in a closed case, like every test person does. That's why temps are so close.
i7 860 really gets 8-15°C hotter, depending on batch.
It makes no sense! Only difference is 130MHz i.e. a bigger multiplier plus Hyper-Threading. The chip is the same. With your logic, the i5 can also be a lot hotter, depending on your luck.
i7 920 is rated at 130tdp while i7 860 in the iMacs are rated at 95tdp, so of course it would be 10c hotter than the i7 750 in the iMacs.
i7 920 is rated at 130tdp while i7 860 in the iMacs are rated at 95tdp, so of course it would be 10c hotter than the i7 750 in the iMacs.
Its gonna be hotter iMac or not. The i7's have more threads so its going to consume more power. It's basically what I explained above. The iMac uses a 1156 socket i7 860, not a 1366 socket i7 920. The Mac Pro towers use the i7 920's which uses triple channel DDR3 memory controller while the 1156 socket (i5/i7 8xx) uses a dual channel DDR3 memory controller.
I've built many PC's and overclock the living crap out of them. I got my AMD six core 1090T to 4.5GHz from 3.2GHz. I got my i5 750 2.66GHz to 4.4GHz, and my i7 920 (D0 Stepping) 2.66GHz to 4.5Ghz. So overclocking wise, i5's and i7's are fantastic, but there is no doubt that the Hyper Threaded capable CPU's use more power and produce more heat. Throughout my reviews and overclocking endeavors, I noticed about a 10C difference between the i5 750 and i7 920 when under load. AMD however, are icebergs in comparison, even the six core at load runs 20C+ cooler than an i5 or i7 at similar clocks.
Its gonna be hotter iMac or not. The i7's have more threads so its going to consume more power. It's basically what I explained above. The iMac uses a 1156 socket i7 860, not a 1366 socket i7 920. The Mac Pro towers use the i7 920's which uses triple channel DDR3 memory controller while the 1156 socket (i5/i7 8xx) uses a dual channel DDR3 memory controller.
Are you trying to tell people NOT to get the i7 because its hotter and will therefore, wear out their Mac quicker?
Yes, we all know this. I'd like to see more test numbers that actually prove the i7 860s in the iMacs to consume more power and thus run hotter than the i5 750s though. Hellhammer's graph from 3d guru shows the two to consume the same amount of power when encoding in x264-- which is hyperthreaded. Hundert said it might be flawed due to differences in thermal paste, but does the application of thermal paste really affect power consumption? (we know it could affect heat, but does it affect power consumption)
Many AMD 1090T have wrongly calibrated heat sensor... For example, Phenom x4 965 have ~15c higher temps than x6 even though they are based on same architecture and both are 45nm. In power consumption, 965 uses several watts less too. It's very likely that the temps you have got aren't right. Lynnfields consume even less power than Phenom x4s.
Also, at TMraven said, you cannot compare 130W CPU to 95W
I know all this already, I've personally reviewed all those CPU's. I know about the temperature readings being off but I also use an infrared thermometer so I'm also still right with what I said about my temperature experiences.
Wattage has nothing to do with performance scaling, just compare 140W Phenom's to 130W i7's, clock for clock Intel's do more instructions per cycle, but thats all due to architecture. Still, AMD's perform well and are much cheaper, too bad Apple didn't dip into AMD products cause we'd all be paying less for Apple products if they did.
Temperature goes hand in hand with power consumption. AMD may have better cooler or it may spin faster then but the x6 isn't cooler than Lynnfields
I never said about performance... iMac uses i7 860 which is 95W thus you cannot compare it to the 920 and say the i7 is at least 10c hotter.
X6's (Thuban) run much cooler than Lynnfields. I have a water cooled setup right now where I switched from my i5 750 @ 4.0 to my X6 1090T at 4.0+ (currently 4.2) and it runs 15C cooler on average at full load. Again, first hand experience.
You can compare a i7 860 to an i5 750 and you will still see a temperature difference, about 8-10C. I've seen it first hand. With air cooling especially, there is about a 8-10C difference between the i5 750 and i7 860 when fully loaded. When I say utitlized, I'm referring to all 8 threads being used on the 860 and all four being used on the 750. Not all benchmarks can utilize 2+ threads (100%), yet alone 8. Encoding is why people by the i5 and i7 powered iMacs. Depending on the app, it will or will not use all available threads. When it does use ALL threads, you will see a 8-10C difference between the 860 and 750, its fact that I've seen first hand.
Dare to share some evidence then? If you review them, you must have a site with nice graphs to show? How about fan speeds then? Were they set to certain level? i7 should also have a blasting fan too if it runs hotter. Also, it doesn't run hotter if all threads aren't in use. I don't mind if it's little hotter if it provides 30% better performance when I need it. Idle temps should be the same because only one or two threads are in use
Have you tested Phenom 965? Its temps should be comparable to 1090T (same power consumption). No chance 1090T runs cooler than x4 965 under full load
I wanna see power consumption numbers of i7 860 when at full load compared to i5 750 at full load, both on the same system. Default clocks of course.