Patent nonsense. The sample pool is nonrandom.I would not go as far as saying this poll is meaningless. The data is there if someone is willing to plot it if you are looking at fail rates/trends. You asked for a poll and thats what you got which in turn is almost the same thing as a survey...just a shorter version. Information can still be extrapolated from what you have in this poll. If you cant find the answer you're looking for, maybe you need to redefine your question.
If you really wanted to get into it, you would have to include daily use, environment, demographics, what constitutes a failure (mouse...HD?)...etc
But we're not doing Six Sigma here, just figuring if an iMac is worth the $$. Again, the numbers speak for themselves....
Patent nonsense. The sample pool is nonrandom.
The problem is that with a nonrandom sample pool, you could get completely false results and are therefore lured into a false sense of confidence.Yeeeeeah, but for the sake of simplicity, this poll does serve its purpose. Is it perfect, no its not. But we are talking about computers, not nuclear weapons.
If I wanted to buy the best have you. I would go about things a bit differently when it comes to any survey to formulate my own opinion. Obviously statistics are not my forte, I have only dabbled in process improvement, so I wont pretend.....
Ditto, like I said, "I must be lucky." After I get back from Kuwait in Sep, I'm looking at a new 24" iMac to add to my line-up.I am a fan of Apple and their products
Understandable, I had the same notion in my head, just could not put it into text without butchering it.The problem is that with a nonrandom sample pool, you could get completely false results and are therefore lured into a false sense of confidence.
If you poll inmates at a prison and ask them: Does the justice system work?
Then go to a lawyers office and ask the same question. What do you think the responses will be? MacRumors tends to draw members who have had problems with there computers.
In reality, the number of faulty iMacs is probably far less than is indicated by the poll. Professionally run polls consistently place Apple near the top for reliability.
Polls are fun but lets not consider the results to be anything beyond that. Anyhow, I think I've beaten the horse well beyond death so, carry on...![]()
Was reluctant to vote since the newest iMac I have is the Revision A 17" G5 model. It died 9 days before the warranty expired. Midplane was replaced. Has been fine since. This model is no longer supported by Apple, according to the telephone reps I have talked to. I am watching the results of this poll since I am thinking about getting a new computer this year. I am a fan of Apple and their products, I do not know why there seems to be so much hate from the peecee faction of the world. Must be jealousy.
The problem is that with a nonrandom sample pool, you could get completely false results and are therefore lured into a false sense of confidence.
If you poll inmates at a prison and ask them: Does the justice system work?
Then go to a lawyers office and ask the same question. What do you think the responses will be? MacRumors tends to draw members who have had problems with their computers.
In reality, the number of faulty iMacs is probably far less than is indicated by the poll. Professionally run polls consistently place Apple near the top for reliability.
Polls are fun but lets not consider the results to be anything beyond that. Anyhow, I think I've beaten the horse well beyond death so, carry on...![]()
Could you guide me to any of these professionally run polls? I can't seem to find anything conclusive through Google, but I'm interested to know.
Could you guide me to any of these professionally run polls? I can't seem to find anything conclusive through Google, but I'm interested to know.
Am I missing something, or am I just lucky?
Here's 2 done in the last year:
Have you heard of PCWorld?
I can afford the purchase. I'm just a careful investor of my money. Much like everyone should be in these times. I agree with you about design and superior quality ratings over the years, even the poll shows it. But putting a computers costs in another context is something to consider (hence the crappie vehicle example). In two or three years, all the top end stuff that we purchase now will be junk maybe we should all just wait 2 years? I don't think so. I agree with your conclusion on the reliability ratings as well. I have also seen that the imacs were MORE prone to failure than some of the other major options that apple has.
However, I think you get more of a grass roots feel from polls like this than you do from consumer reports comparing a 20 inch imac to a all in one HP computer. Some of those reports are so superficial, it's not worth the money you paid for the subscription. The poll has shown positive results.
Thats why I posted this poll. Not because I don't have the money, but more to get a feeling from actual owners and people who have already had the issues. No need to be rude about it. But hey....I'm glad you posted to give your 2 cents.. or should i say $399 pc opinion.
If the risks of an out-of-warranty failure bother you, just get Applecare, and then sell the computer for 60% of what you bought it for in 3 years, and then get another one with Applecare. Macs hold their value very well.