Does that get around MAC spoofing?The best option for wifi is to get a older router like Daniel said, but to have the best security you want mac address filtering. To do that you want to go into System Preferences on you g4 iMac Click on Network, Then select Airport under show, Then write down the Airport ID (It is acutely your mac address, the thing that each computer has to identify it on a network.) Then on your new to you older router for your g4 iMac you want to set up mac address filtering, this will differ from brand to brand but if set up right it will block everyone but the mac address you have specified (the one you wrought down earlier). On a old air port extreme it is under timed access control there change the default unlimited to no access then after that click the plus button under wireless clients put in a description like old computers and put in the mac address for the g4 you wrought down, you can leave it at everyday all day or change it to a specific time. With this no one but your old g4 iMac will be able to get onto your wifi that is unsecured with modern protections it is what I do and I have never had a issue.
My understanding is that intruders who are smart enough to crack your WiFi password and get in are smart enough to spoof your MAC address.
Or am I just being too paranoid?