Apple Hardware and Service is a Joke
The upshot of it is, he's on his fourth iMac now after five months of servicing. Problems have ranged from bad motherboards, to bad bluetooth. Apple has been supportive but there have been long spans in-and-out of the shop and time is money. He's still waiting for the latest machine to be sent to him.
I know what you are talking about. I got my stock i7 shortly after the New Year, it being my first Mac. Due to what I have experienced with it and Apple, it may be my last.
It went bad on Monday, February 22nd, refusing to boot. I immediately drove it up to the Apple store at Legacy Village near Cleveland. They couldn't get it to boot using an external boot drive, so it was obviously the logic board. I was told they would look at it the next day and give me a call as they had more logic boards in-stock. Tuesday passed with no call, so I telephoned them Wednesday the 24th.. The girl on the phone got snotty with me, telling me that I was quoted 5-7 days repair time and they would call when it was ready. I bit my tongue and waited, and waited, and waited.
On Wednesday, March 3rd (nine days) I called them again. I was told that they had tried replacing the power supply but it didn't fix the problem. Duh. They didn't have a logic board but had ordered one. Unfortunately, it didn't come in but he was hoping to get one in tomorrow and the computer would be ready in two days.
On March 5th I called them again and was told that I was getting a new machine, but the procedure was out of their hands and they couldn't give me an ETA for the new machine. I asked whose hands the problem was now in and wanted to know to whom I could complain. The girl didn't provide me with any information except to repeat what she had just said.
Today (March 8th), it is now day-15 without a Mac.I just got off the phone with the store and they STILL have no ETA on when my new machine will arrive. I am having problems paying my online bills and getting work done due to having transferred all those duties to the AWOL iMac.
Apple makes great software and nice computer designs. Unfortunately, their hardware quality sucks and their customer service is even worse. I am stuck in limbo waiting for someone somewhere in the world to decide to give me a computer that works that I paid for a month and a half ago.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to whom I can complain to? I will be calling Apple Care at the corporate office tomorrow, but probably won't get anywhere.
It is ridiculous that I switched from a virus prone machine that always worked to one that is virus free but didn't last more than 3-weeks before it died due to its inherent low quality hardware.