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I have had my 27" i5 since New Years too..My logic board just died. No boot up at all. You can hear the fans running but thats it.. The local Auth Mac repair guy had it for 3 hours and called me back to tell me the problem. They claim it will be done late today or Monday.
At least we still have the kids old Win98 machine here and iPhones....
I have had my 27" i5 since New Years too..My logic board just died. No boot up at all. You can hear the fans running but thats it.. The local Auth Mac repair guy had it for 3 hours and called me back to tell me the problem. They claim it will be done late today or Monday.
At least we still have the kids old Win98 machine here and iPhones....

Certainly one of MS' better OS' to rely on, especially 98 SE.

2000, ME and Vista are/were absolutely lousy!
If I were in your situation I'd feel frustrated as well but I can assure you Apple's hardware quality doesn't suck.

Actually, if hardware is the technical thing (motherboard, cpu, hdd, cooling system), then Apple does suck.

If you buy a win pc with some gigabyte motherboard, i5 and a discreet card, it will live MUCH LONGER than Apple's. Those have proven themselves to be highly overclockable and stable.
Apple the same hardware, but their motherboards (foxxcon?) suck. The way graphics is glued to it sucks. I had maybe 10 macs in my life and they all had problems.

If by hardware you mean plastic and buttons, they are better than of other manufacturers. But as far as electronics goes, it always sucked, it sucks, and probably will suck.
If you buy a win pc with some gigabyte motherboard, i5 and a discreet card, it will live MUCH LONGER than Apple's. Those have proven themselves to be highly overclockable and stable.
Apple the same hardware, but their motherboards (foxxcon?) suck. The way graphics is glued to it sucks. I had maybe 10 macs in my life and they all had problems.

Wow, that is remarkable. I wonder why one would buy another Mac after, say, the 5th one had problems.

I've been building PCs for 20+ years and have owned Macs for 4 years now and have not shared this experience at all. The logic board on my original 20" Core Duo iMac failed back in 2006 but it's been smooth sailing since except for a Western Digital hard disk that crashed in my 24" mid-2007 iMac. I hardly blame Apple for that.

I've had problems with Gigabyte motherboards. My son is still using a PC I built with one in it that the USB isn't working on and likes to randomly crash. Gigabyte is another Taiwanese company just like Foxconn incidentally.

If by hardware you mean plastic and buttons, they are better than of other manufacturers. But as far as electronics goes, it always sucked, it sucks, and probably will suck.

I don't think so. :p
Apple = Great OS, Decent Apps, Interesting Hardware Designs, & POOR Hardware Quality

Well, I FINALLY got my broken iMac replaced last Saturday. The "geniuses" didn't move my HD from the old machine to the new one as it was too much trouble for them. They apparently copied them from one to the other and gave me the old HD. Unfortunately, Parallels doesn't work right as it looks for Windows 7 (1). Sheesh.

To add insult to injury, as soon as I booted my new machine, I found that the Magic Mouse had died, too. Soooo, I made yet another appointment to get it replaced. <sigh>

I can see why Apple has $40B setting around. They pay slave labor in Singapore to put together CRAP hardware and sell it for a premium.

I predict that Apple is losing ALOT of money replacing bad hardware. I fully expect to be replacing the iMac and mouse again in a few months. Thank God it will be at Apple's expense. Of course, this means that I will be forced to purchase their Applecare before my one year expiration.

If Apple's hardware was as good as their OS, this board would be a ghost town.
Actually, if hardware is the technical thing (motherboard, cpu, hdd, cooling system), then Apple does suck.

If you buy a win pc with some gigabyte motherboard, i5 and a discreet card, it will live MUCH LONGER than Apple's. Those have proven themselves to be highly overclockable and stable.
Apple the same hardware, but their motherboards (foxxcon?) suck. The way graphics is glued to it sucks. I had maybe 10 macs in my life and they all had problems.

Dunno about that.

I've a Foxconn motherboard in my Windows AMD Phenom quad machine and the motherboard is rock solid. It's taken everything I've thrown at it (but I don't overclock, but overclocking is niche anyways).

I've also owned Gigabyte boards and I've never had luck with some point, they've always died. I've had much better success with Apple than Gigabyte. Then again, I've had just as much success with Foxxcon as with Apple.

Now, I've heard many Windows users make the same complaints you're making about a particular brand of motherboard. Each manufacturer will have their issues. For every machine that a particular complainer has issues with, I can point to a satisfied user of that product. Complaining, by itself, doesn't make a product suck, though.
Well, I FINALLY got my broken iMac replaced last Saturday. The "geniuses" didn't move my HD from the old machine to the new one as it was too much trouble for them. They apparently copied them from one to the other and gave me the old HD. Unfortunately, Parallels doesn't work right as it looks for Windows 7 (1). Sheesh.

You mean you didn't back up your data before you returned the machine? You can't blame them for that, IMO. No matter if you returned it to Gateway, Dell, or <add your favorite vendor here>, you'd have run into the same issues there. You should always back up your data, as they're not going to migrate that data to the replacement machine for you.

To add insult to injury, as soon as I booted my new machine, I found that the Magic Mouse had died, too. Soooo, I made yet another appointment to get it replaced. <sigh>

Was this a new Magic Mouse that came with the replacement, or the one that you got with the previous Mac?

I can see why Apple has $40B setting around. They pay slave labor in Singapore to put together CRAP hardware and sell it for a premium.

You make it seem like Apple's the only maker that outsources. They aren't. They aren't the only company that has build issues, either. This isn't as big of a deal as you're trying to make it.

I predict that Apple is losing ALOT of money replacing bad hardware. I fully expect to be replacing the iMac and mouse again in a few months. Thank God it will be at Apple's expense. Of course, this means that I will be forced to purchase their Applecare before my one year expiration.

Well, use the power of your wallet if you're unhappy. Ask for a refund and get a non-Apple machine. No need to complain over spilled milk, IMO.

If Apple's hardware was as good as their OS, this board would be a ghost town.

These forums aren't here as a complaint medium, AFAIK. Not everyone on these boards are complaining, either. Actually, it's just a few repeat people. Not that you can't complain about issues, but if I had such issues, I'd be complaining on the Apple boards, not a 3rd party board. Then again, if I went through at least half the systems some of you are going through, I'd have moved on to another product by now.
I'm sorry to hear about your experience.

If I were in your situation I'd feel frustrated as well but I can assure you Apple's hardware quality doesn't suck. All makers deal with hardware issues on occasion, and you unfortunately got one with problems.

You should definitely call Apple at the corporate level to report it if you think you are getting an unacceptable runaround from your Apple Store. Condemning the entire company for the experiences you've had at that one store, while understandable considering your frustration, may be seen as an overreaction in retrospect when you finally get the service you're seeking.

I hope your situation is resolved soon, Kevin.

and I can assure YOU that in mine and a dozen other colleagues experience. the hardware does indeed 'suck'

A reasonable outcome was achieved. Again my Pa was making the big conversion from a PC to the Mac with his purchase of the iMac I7 (his killer app being bleeding edge Photoshop). Time is money and in the end Apple recognized this. After a direct communication with one of the VPs (and a forthright letter) he's now the proud owner of a Power Mac -- and now as much a zealot as my wife.

So Apple stood behind its products 100% in the end, but there are clear issues with iMac i7 QC.

Thanks for all the replys


Apple stand behind their product by giving you a different one.?

hmm.. glad its sorted though.
Truth is law of average will always mean some individuals will have problems with their hardware, no matter what item and what company it comes from.

Look at the Dell or HP forums, and you're going to have alot of "I'll never buy Dell again ,etc"

If we had to base purchase choices from online forums there'd be nothing left to buy!
Truth is law of average will always mean some individuals will have problems with their hardware, no matter what item and what company it comes from.

Look at the Dell or HP forums, and you're going to have alot of "I'll never buy Dell again ,etc"

If we had to base purchase choices from online forums there'd be nothing left to buy!

true, but in unit terms Apple sell very few computers compared to their competitors.... and even fewer desktops.
and I can assure YOU that in mine and a dozen other colleagues experience. the hardware does indeed 'suck'

The only difference between my own experiences and that of you and your esteemed colleagues being that I actually own the hardware in question. ;)

So I'll take that for what it's worth.
Love my Macs!

The only difference between my own experiences and that of you and your esteemed colleagues being that I actually own the hardware in question. ;)

So I'll take that for what it's worth.

I originally switched from a 17" Sony laptop (Bluray,Sat. TV & poorly built crashing Vista nightmare-now) to a 24" iMac several years ago. Bought an early 2009 MBP that I'm using to send this-it's had 2 new motherboards & a new HD-all through Applecare & I love this machine.
My Dec i7 has just been collected for repair-random black-screen crashes, screen-saver crashes & snow-flake-screen crashes. I love my iMac's & think Applecare is great. I use my Macs for doing the amendments to my Doctorate (professional), photography & HD movies (amateur) & I think they are beautiful pieces of kit otherwise I wouldn't use them. I'm in UK & have complete faith in Amsys the authorised Apple repair place where my i7 is now. (Using the 24" iMac as backup).
I do wonder about Apple's quality control for their Far East suppliers, but think perhaps due to the huge volume of production they're bound to be some mavericks-2 of which I've had!
Despite the problems Macs are great for me & with Applecare I've got a 3 year guarantee that perhaps other UK suppliers would struggle to match.
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