No, what I'm saying is that OSX doesn't auto-hose like Windows does, and very few problems with OSX require reinstalling, let alone wiping the hard drive and reinstalling. I am also saying that reinstalling can do more harm than good.
You said a mouthful... I got a call today from the Apple Store about my repair.
Apparently the information on the computer was corrupted, and/or the hard drive was bad. This was discovered after they moved all my data to their server to allow for their zeroing out of the hard drive. Upon their attempt to move the info back, it was found to be corrupted.
They returned the computer to me today with a new hard drive and. And gave me a file on the desktop that I could search through and try to salvage anything of value, but it is all useless junk files. None of it even appears to be the data I wanted (99% of which was photos).
So here I am, about a year's worth of data lost (last backup was 8/2007... as a reminder, I bought Leopard to start using Time Machine between this computer and my laptop... thus starting this ****storm).
AND HERE IS THE KICKER... the graphics issues appeared while I was on the phone with Apple asking where the hell my pictures were... AND THEN IT FROZE.
So, I went from a computer working at about 75% (less the post-Leopard install and upgrade freezing and graphics bugs that got me into the repair process in the first place) but all information completely accessible... to now, today, ALL INFORMATION LOST.
Honestly, I told the guy before leaving my computer with them for the data move and hard drive wipe that I was nervous as hell. He told me I had nothing to worry about.
I am so incredibly bummed, and I have no idea what to do now.
They said they have the hard drive still, and are going to hold it and call me tomorrow... but this is the drive that they found as faulty when they were trying to zero it... so I assume its wiped clean.
What a clusterfu7k. So incredibly disappointed.