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I want it to look just like the current LED displays and have the ability to add another display to the iMac so we can have matching displays side-by-side. That would be soooo awesome.
I'm hoping for something to come out, but I think it's highly unlikely. I'd like a 30 inch iMac. It would be so nice to watch HD-movies on a 30 inch iMac:eek:
Well thats just something I'd like...
I think the only reason the G4 iMac design (which I myself love, hence why I still have one) was created was that at the time components required much more room than they do today. My 24" 2009 iMac is thinner than my 19" Samsung display, defeating the purpose of the dome-like base (which takes up more room on the desk).
Here's a quick one. Looks pretty much the same but, I removed the pedestal and added a swivel bottom plate. Also added the arched top. :D


  • re2.jpg
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it wont because aluminium tends to block wireless radio signals.

What about the Mac Pro?
I know the Wi-fi signal strength is not the best in MP, but it's there.
Otherwise just make the top, or a little spot somewhere, out of plastic or something more penetrable
What about the Mac Pro?
I know the Wi-fi signal strength is not the best in MP, but it's there.
Otherwise just make the top, or a little spot somewhere, out of plastic or something more penetrable

The signal in my Mac Pro is fine. If Apple was worried about wireless signals, they wouldn't make all of their computers out of metal.
Here's a quick one. Looks pretty much the same but, I removed the pedestal and added a swivel bottom plate. Also added the arched top. :D

i quiete like the idea , now give it some speakers to the bottom front and in the middle a slot or tray loading superdrive .....
as i find it really annoying on all these flat screen things ..the bigger the more it annoy me to stretch myself around the screen in order to reach the drive with a cd/dvd
I think the only reason the G4 iMac design (which I myself love, hence why I still have one) was created was that at the time components required much more room than they do today. My 24" 2009 iMac is thinner than my 19" Samsung display, defeating the purpose of the dome-like base (which takes up more room on the desk).

Hey, can I quickly ask how your iMac G4 runs, what version of OS X it has and what the spec on yours is?

Just asking because I'm trying to get my hands on one at the moment and it'd be good to know a bit more about how well it runs etc :)
Hey, can I quickly ask how your iMac G4 runs, what version of OS X it has and what the spec on yours is?

Just asking because I'm trying to get my hands on one at the moment and it'd be good to know a bit more about how well it runs etc :)

It runs Tiger well. YouTube isn't very watchable, but Adium, iTunes, basic web pages etc run fine :)
No thank you to all three!

I don't want to see another flower power design of the G4 iMac. While unique, that model never did much for me.

I like the current design the best. Simple. Takes little space. Looks nice. Easy to setup and use.

Having said that, after seeing the Apple 24 inch LED display beside the iMac, I would say making the iMac all aluminum, offering a matte screen option, and making it thinner would all be winners.
What about the Mac Pro?
I know the Wi-fi signal strength is not the best in MP, but it's there.
Otherwise just make the top, or a little spot somewhere, out of plastic or something more penetrable

The signal in my Mac Pro is fine. If Apple was worried about wireless signals, they wouldn't make all of their computers out of metal.

dont know, but thats why the MacBook Pro has plastic in the hinge, the iPhone has a plastic back and the original iPhone and Touch have plastic sections.
I agree that they probably designed the G4 iMac the way they did because of the size of the components. However, the design afforded a screen that could be adjusted to almost any position. The current iMacs can only tilt unless you rotate the whole computer inelegantly.

Alas, we will probably never see the revolutionary design of the G4 since Apple is now all about making things thinner :(
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