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As someone with to much money (I worked my ass off for that) I bought an Alu iMac in late 2007, used it for more than ten months solely, until I worked again and bought me a nice white MacBook (2.4GHz) to replace my somehow dying iBook G4.

Ever since that time I used my MacBook more than my iMac, as the portability was a real plus.

I used it at work to author DVDs, I used it to work on 12MP RAW footage from a Canon G9 camera, I used it to watch the occasional entertainment programme, I used it a lot.

What I want to say is that the MacBook is quite a capable machine except in gaming. But the new 9400 integrated card in the AluBook is quite capable of running COD 4 (Mac version), as I accidentally started that game with the 9400 card still running. (I exchanged my MacBook for a MacBook Pro for screen real estate and extra horse power - but kept the iMac for the occasional home use, if I ever get home.)

As the MBP combines power with portability I can vote for the MBP, but a MacBook Aluminum is more than capable too for every task you throw at it.
Give me some of your money please hehe.

I think I would rather have the power of the iMac though, its a tough choice.. :(
What would you guys go for, the 2.4 GHz version or the 2.66GHz.

Also what are the graphics cards like, the 2.66 GHz version has a ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO with 256MB, what is the like, will I be able to play like the latst games and stuff, what about the 2.4 GHz graphics card, it is a ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT with 128MB memory.

Well I've just been playing COD4 on my iMac for the last two hours or so and it runs great!! Brilliant game!!

I'd say go for the 2.66GHz machine if you can since the extra graphics performance will come in handy in extending the life of your machine. My 2.4GHz iMac has the 2600 Pro graphics card and it is good. I would love to have one of the new iMac's with 8800GS or perhaps even a 9600 if they are released as expected next week.

The 2400 in the 2.4 GHz 20" iMac should be okay but the 2600 is quite a bit faster. The 2600 is actually almost a 2600XT but is underclocked slightly for whatever reason (heat probably).

To me it is all about making your purchase last as long as possible because if you can get 5 years instead of 4 or 4 instead of 3 then the cost per year is lowered greatly for not much more initial expense.

What is better, the nvidia 9600 (? dno if that is it) or the ATI one on the 2.66 GHz iMac?

I swear this is like the longest few days ever..
What is better, the nvidia 9600 (? dno if that is it) or the ATI one on the 2.66 GHz iMac?

I swear this is like the longest few days ever..

If they get released then the 9600 nVidia card should be faster than the 2600 ATI card. I think the 9600 is even faster than the 8800GS which is already pretty fast!

Hang in there...
So if they do release a new iMac, when will it be available to buy, roughly..

Well there are two possibilities:

1. Available straight away.
2. Available at some date which will be announced in the speech.


Not trying to be a smart ass - there is no way to know.

My bet is that they will be announced for beginning of February or March (not what you want to hear...) My reasoning is that I honestly believe that they should have been released before now but nVidia's problems with chip manufacture has caused a knock-on delay. There is evidence that the 9400/9600 chips being used in Macbook's and Macbook Pro's currently may have some weaknesses and may have already gone through a number of revisions to get to some form of useable chip. There have been reports that nVidia engineer's are having to hand pick the chips for Apple to ensure that the very best chips are used. This shouldn't be required.

In any event, don't worry because Apple will sort out any remaining chip issues and if you do get a machine with a bad chip then it will be fixed under warranty. Also, note that this doesn't just affect Apple so is no reason to shy away.

I hope that the machines become available immediately but as I said I suspect that it may be a month or so advance announcement.

Well there are two possibilities:

1. Available straight away.
2. Available at some date which will be announced in the speech.


Not trying to be a smart ass - there is no way to know.

My bet is that they will be announced for beginning of February or March (not what you want to hear...) My reasoning is that I honestly believe that they should have been released before now but nVidia's problems with chip manufacture has caused a knock-on delay. There is evidence that the 9400/9600 chips being used in Macbook's and Macbook Pro's currently may have some weaknesses and may have already gone through a number of revisions to get to some form of useable chip. There have been reports that nVidia engineer's are having to hand pick the chips for Apple to ensure that the very best chips are used. This shouldn't be required.

In any event, don't worry because Apple will sort out any remaining chip issues and if you do get a machine with a bad chip then it will be fixed under warranty. Also, note that this doesn't just affect Apple so is no reason to shy away.

I hope that the machines become available immediately but as I said I suspect that it may be a month or so advance announcement.


At the end of January or beginning of Feb. not pushed away to spring. iMac isn't iPhone so people is not waiting it so much as they did with iPhone and iMac will just got speed bumb, no big things like design or something very cool and new.
At the end of January or beginning of Feb. not pushed away to spring. iMac isn't iPhone so people is not waiting it so much as they did with iPhone and iMac will just got speed bumb, no big things like design or something very cool and new.

Yeah I agree although there is a possibility of a quad-core CPU option and the Nvidia graphics chipset probably going up to 9400/9600 is worthy of note especially with Snow Leopard around the corner. Just imagine a quad-core 2.8GHz iMac with a 9600 GPU running on Snow Leopard - now that would make me consider upgrading my 2.4GHz iMac (Aug 07) to a new one... :D

I still think that Apple intended to release a new machine back in November but Nvidia messed up with the GPU chips. This may be why Apple actually came out in November to quash the rumours that a release was imminent at the end of November. I can just picture SJ sitting in his office saying, "tell everyone the November release is off," after chewing up Nvidia on the telephone. Normally they would just keep us guessing...


I am in the same situation(same grade too haha), and it really sounds like u need an upgrade. Just a few questions.

Are u going to want/need to take your laptop to school (if thats the route u go)?

Or are you willing to look at something thats going to last a lot longer but not as mobile/handy?

I first got a white macbook a few years ago. I spent a bit to upgrade it, and try and have room/ resources that my Mini lacked. But It still wasn't enough i ran out of space again, and started doing more intence stuff, and when at home I didnt really like using it because of the small screen, trackpad,(u know laptop controls) except from when on the couch and on my bed, etc. So i decided to get an iMac too. It was defenatly a step up with 2.8 extreme and 500 gig harddrive etc. and its worked a lot better for me.

The point is, if your getting a macbook, it will get outdated a lot faster, and you will probably run out of room way way faster then u would with an imac.

An iMac would let u have a better "sit down at a desk" experence, better price/feature ratio, have more breathing room with harddrive, ram, cpu, graphics, etc, and get out dated much much slower.

But if your parents are split up its harder. If your going back and fourth a lot between places and school, I would say get a macbook, but be ready to spend more to get it upgraded becuase a macbook will get out dated much much sooner. so be prepaired to maybe spend a bit to make sure that it will last you a long time.
Now I know someone said earlier back that the ATi 2600 HD was good enough, but earlier I saw someone slating it...

Will it keep up with and run all the latest games and stuff?
iMac, for sure;)

I have one of each (my wife and I run a sound/video company...not personal comps:)) and in your case, the iMac is the ticket, IMO.

Portable? Your 15, strong as an ox, I imagine:) Try the iLugger! !!!

They're Great! I use the cheap (20", 2.4g) build iMac with a 1tb drive, wireless computer and mouse....and I can have 10,000 lossless songs on site! OR, 150,000 MP3's! No wires, no external drives, no mess....and, as mentioned, portable! They're only about 25 pounds...just a couple more than a laptop! Nothing for a youngster like yourself! Plus, packed with goodies compared to a MacBook. Don't get me wrong....I dig my MB....for about 10 minutes, til my almost 40 year old eyes go buggy:) Kidding aside, they are great for surfing, email, and recipes in the kitchen. Not much more though...

Take care

I am in year 11 (10th grade ? to you americans :), see I like to cater for everybody lol) and im in need of a new computer.

I mostly use my (very slow) current laptop for internet browsing, writing essays, using Excel spreadsheets ( I run my dads online music shop - - if you are intrested ;)) and listening to music. Thats not to say I would not like applications to do photo and video editing, its just my laptop would not be able to cope.

Money is an issue here, I am only 15 so cant really earn that much. I have about £700 and my dad would be willing to lend me the rest. Another main issue I have is that do I even want a Mac? £1000 (or so) is a lot of money for a computer.

So what do you think, iMac, MacBook or neither?

Go with the MacBook :D
+1 for imac.
Itll be more future proof.
This is just my opinion, but imacs seem to last longer. people who use macbooks tend to change their computers every 2 or so years, but imac owners seem to hold on to their computer for a while longer than that..
and for the price for the macbook, ill assume youll be getting the 24in imac. You wont regret it.
you can get a macbook for cheap, and it's more than you'll need for mine. I'm a 3rd year college student studying computer forensics and my macbook has been the best computer I've ever owned. I'm going for the iMac now (as soon as the update hits, grrr).
Get the MacBook!


I was in the same situation a year ago when I was 15.

I got an iMac originally, decided I REALLY wanted a MacBook so I returned the iMac and got a MacBook. I HATED IT, and Now I'm back on the iMac, which I now love.

My only gripe with the MacBook was the Video Card, which was the GMA X3100 at the time.

I convinced myself I could live with it's terrible graphics for gaming, but I really couldn't.

You're lucky that the MacBook's now have a decent GPU which can run games on OK settings.

Definitely go for the MacBook, it definitely suits your needs and you'll be happier in the end :)

EDIT: And Yeah, the iMac does have Wireless :p
Another quick question (Sorry)

I like to turn my plugs off if im going out to school or whatever.

Will this damage the mac in anyway if I turn off the plug very frequently?

No problem but you will need to shutdown the iMac before pulling the plug. Alternatively you can leave the iMac in sleep mode where it only consumes a couple of watts of power and starts up from where you left off in just a few seconds. That's what I do but it's up to you what you do and for what reason.

Hope this helps,
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