I have just realised another good reason wy my choice of the imac is the right one. I have just installed a wireless router and am writing this on my lap top while I am siting in front of the TV with my new DLink wireless thingy connected. I just love it. Anyway the imac is so portable, I don't have to move a heavy tower, un plug loads of cables so if I want to use it in our upstairs office or outside I can! Its just another hidden benefit, they should play on, this is almost a laptop. I love the attention to detail on the mac and the apple software. Every icon hs been lovingly created to create such a great experience, it's a pleasure to use. Just need to configure this wireless thing to work with osx. Apple have stuck to their guns,not rushed out shoddy product and I am now most definetly a fan. Just want to say that I don't hate microsoft and windows though and can't understand why people hate them with such venom, windows xp has hardly ever crashed (not like earlier versions). Apple and Microsoft can coexist and help one another. I do concede (having used early macintoshes) and DOS that apple really invented the whole 'windows' concept.
Now I need their mobile ipod??