Not to add more to this fire, but...
That is exactly what you did to yourself. I deem this thread be locked as it isn't going anywhere fast. This thread is turning into a fire, flaming away.
I hate to be rude and mean, but what you did with them, you don't deserve a discount. All the boxes you opened and taped back up, all the refunds, it's people like you who drive prices up!
Get one machine and be happy with it. Get a new one in a year or two. You got a discount, be freaking grateful that they let you trade in ur Mac and be grateful they gave you another discount. If they didn't want to give you the latest one, good for them, I am behind them 100 percent!
EDIT : If you want more clarification, read my sig. Fate falls for the calling, or in other terms, what goes around comes around, and you get what you had coming to you.