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Just adding my vote for the iMac.

Switched in June, bought the 20" model, maxed out and don't regret it at all. It's a fantastic machine. Fast, quiet, reliable. I love it!
osxnewbe said:
I’ve been thoroughly happy with my iMac G5 (iSignt) since I purchased it in January. It replaced a homebuilt Windows PC that I was never totally happy with.

I have upgraded my RAM with a 3rd party product and so far it has worked just fine. I also have an external hard drive so that took care of the storage space issue as well…

I too am happy with my iMac G5 (iSight). Easily the best performing Mac I have ever owned. It has ran flawlessly since I got it. That is why I haven't gotten an iMac Intel yet. I also just bought a MacBook to be my test-subject for Intel Macs so in the next year I'll upgrade to an iMac Intel.
Have any of you guys experienced teething problems with your iMacs after they switched to Intel?
What's that?

I have the 20" Core Duo iMac, maxed out, and it's GREAT.
2GHz dual core
500GB internal HDD

and I got a 300GB external HDD for backups.

And though it's laughable to mention, it's not a laptop, but is actually quite portable, that is, to take it on extended trips (not by plane, perhaps, but by car), or to a friend's house. The all-in-one and light weight make it pretty easy to move. Even more so if you have a wireless keyboard and mouse.
Big iMac fan here, too. I'm unbelievably impressed with the design and functionality. I've been borrowing the one I have in my IT department (used for supporting our Art Department). I've ditched my PC at home and am waiting for Apple to grace us with a C2D iMac. The moment that happens, my order will be placed!


The current Yonah based Core duo iMac is an exceptional value, but I would
hold off through September's Paris Expo, before placing any order.

Yonah's are 32 Bit, Conroe's Meroms and Woodcrest are 64 bit processors.

Personally, I think we may soon see options for Single, Dual Core Conroe's
or Single, Dual Core Woodcrest in the next iMacs.

I bet we'll see some amazing benchmarks that leave everyone with a case of the grins :D
I have maxed out 20" Intel iMac and I just love it. I made the switch from PC to Mac, in April of this year. The computer hasn't given me any problems whatsoever since I bought it. I leave it on 24/7 and it just keeps on keeping on :D
imac is a good choice for your needs. I myslef am looking into getting one. I am hoping that they will update them in the next couple weeks or in the next month, then i will buy. :D
The 12" iBooks are nothing to sneeze at on their own.
Those lil' buggers are great machines and you can still get one for $799.00

Having a system 5+ times faster, with massive storge capabilties in an iMac is more than impressive.
Love the iMac!

It's the perfect choice for someone who is not an extreme "Power" user or someone who needs a portable.

Apple has had a winners with all the generations of iMacs, including 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations.
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