If you set up family sharing any uploaded hard CDs to Itunes will not be shareable across the family. This is the main reason our family has not done this. Only Itunes purchased music can be shared. And we did the deleted message thing and it works a bit then reverts back. Been a nightmare for my family since IOS 12.
The reason is because they do not allow uploaded cds to iTunes to be family shared, only the purchases from iTunes .
Whatever the reason for Apple not allowing Family Sharing for CD's, you are having problems now, in iOS 12, because you have been gaming the system. I get it... you own the CD's and they are part of your family library. Fortunately there are other ways. My wife and I use Google Play music matching for our CD collection. It's totally free. The only downside is that we have to switch between Google accounts on the computer whenever we add new CD's so the songs sync to each of our individual Google Accounts. Of course you can share a single Google account just like a single AppleID, but Google will not let one account stream to two devices simultaneously... so another reason to maintain separate identities wherever and whenever possible.
We could also use Amazon's music matching service since we are prime subscribers, but as far as I know you are restricted to streaming music they have in their service. If Google can't find a match for one of the more obscure CD's in your collection, it will just upload the audio files to the cloud so you can stream them. We tried Apple home sharing years ago and decided it was too buggy. I'm sure their music services have improved, but Google Play works great and it's free.