First I thought I should update to 3.0.1
So I Jailbroke it and found that cydia was not working. Annoyed I tried some lackluster solutions and found someone saying ''Re-Jailbrake it with a different 3.0 file.
So now I've restored my iPhone thinking it would bring it back to my back up. But all my stuff is gone! What do I do? I hadn't backed up 20% of those photos!
What do I do now? Where are the photos located? And how do I get them?!
Sorry if I sound panicked. I am...
So I Jailbroke it and found that cydia was not working. Annoyed I tried some lackluster solutions and found someone saying ''Re-Jailbrake it with a different 3.0 file.
So now I've restored my iPhone thinking it would bring it back to my back up. But all my stuff is gone! What do I do? I hadn't backed up 20% of those photos!
What do I do now? Where are the photos located? And how do I get them?!
Sorry if I sound panicked. I am...