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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 29, 2009
First I thought I should update to 3.0.1

So I Jailbroke it and found that cydia was not working. Annoyed I tried some lackluster solutions and found someone saying ''Re-Jailbrake it with a different 3.0 file.

So now I've restored my iPhone thinking it would bring it back to my back up. But all my stuff is gone! What do I do? I hadn't backed up 20% of those photos!

What do I do now? Where are the photos located? And how do I get them?!

Sorry if I sound panicked. I am...
I assume you did a restore from backup. A backup does not contain pics, contacts, etc. (the stuff you can sync with iTunes). If you didn't sync your contacts with Outlook or Windows Address Book on a PC or Address Book on a Mac, then you've lost them. Check one of those programs to see if your contacts are still there. Your pics should be on your hard drive, so I don't understand what you mean by 20% weren't backed up. If you, on the other hand, are talking about your pics in the Camera Roll, then those would be in the backup (pics in the Camera Roll are the only pics that are in a backup). You could try using an earlier backup to restore the pics, if you have one, and if you are talking about the camera roll.

Edit: And for the future, you might want to look into using Funambol, so that you always have a backup of your contacts, no matter what. You might lose some information (like pics of contacts), but it's a good backup plan to have.
I assume you did a restore from backup. A backup does not contain pics, contacts, etc. (the stuff you can sync with iTunes). If you didn't sync your contacts with Outlook or Windows Address Book on a PC or Address Book on a Mac, then you've lost them. Check one of those programs to see if your contacts are still there. Your pics should be on your hard drive, so I don't understand what you mean by 20% weren't backed up. If you, on the other hand, are talking about your pics in the Camera Roll, then those would be in the backup (pics in the Camera Roll are the only pics that are in a backup). You could try using an earlier backup to restore the pics, if you have one, and if you are talking about the camera roll.

Edit: And for the future, you might want to look into using Funambol, so that you always have a backup of your contacts, no matter what. You might lose some information (like pics of contacts), but it's a good backup plan to have.

Where is this back up located? And how do I recover the data on it?
Photos from my camera roll. Contacts is just a low priority minor annoyance. The camera roll pics are a disaster

Okay, well when you went to do the restore, and picked restore from a backup, it should've listed all the backups you have by date. Your camera roll pics are in one of those backups.

And as I said, you can check Address Book for the contacts.
Thank you.

It worked and even my contacts are back.

Your help is much appreciated.
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