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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 5, 2010
(My names Aaron)

Got bored and decided to try replicate the poster. I made the text in C4D, and played about in CS5 for about an hour.

Its not perfect, not close, i just got bored in the end and decided i was done!

Enjoy :D



  • flyer.jpg
    444.8 KB · Views: 1,284
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Wish I could do graphics!! Wish I'd studied it !

Never studied it really, just have a strong personal interest in it, it relaxes me playing with graphics and stuff tbh. I have no formal training or qualifications.

I work in a software company as my day job.
Never studied it really, just have a strong personal interest in it, it relaxes me playing with graphics and stuff tbh. I have no formal training or qualifications.

I work in a software company as my day job.

I'm studying it right now - I quite enjoy doing it, but I'm quite hesitant on the decision of whether or not I should continue the course for the next two years. Graphic Design is quite work intensive and I'm not sure if it'll pay well, compared to other more economically profitable job sectors such as business or economics.

Could anyone input on this?
I'm studying it right now - I quite enjoy doing it, but I'm quite hesitant on the decision of whether or not I should continue the course for the next two years. Graphic Design is quite work intensive and I'm not sure if it'll pay well, compared to other more economically profitable job sectors such as business or economics.

Could anyone input on this?

My opinion (and this isn't meant to offend), is that you can teach ANYONE how to use a program, a piece of a software, and the concept of designing but you either have it or you don't when you're out of that structured environment and you have to employ your own creativeness.

I considered going and studying graphic design, but i looked at what it would teach me, and to be fair, past having an officially recognized qualification there is nothing i could be taught that i couldnt learn on my own.

I get paid for freelance work, and have made good money on graphic design, i think nowadays though unless you get employed at a nice studio somewhere it's hard for designers to make a full time living off graphics.

Designers don't really get paid much when it comes to full time positions, but freelance stuff can pay quite well as you pick and choose your projects.
I considered going and studying graphic design, but i looked at what it would teach me, and to be fair, past having an officially recognized qualification there is nothing i could be taught that i couldnt learn on my own.

Well... looking at your type treatment, I'd say that you are wrong. :rolleyes:
Well... looking at your type treatment, I'd say that you are wrong. :rolleyes:

You're possibly getting two different sentences confused.

"nothing i could be taught that i couldnt learn on my own"


"nothing i could be taught that i haven't learnt on my own"

I didn't say I knew everything, nor did I say I had learnt everything the courses offered, rather should I need and want to, Im confident that the course could be bypassed.
You may very well be able to "bypass" all courses should you need to take them to gain some sort of recognized qualification, but your attitude on the subject and for the trade itself will likely supersede the so-called talent you have reducing it down to nothing short of unemployable.

I am not saying you must have formal schooling to make it as a graphic designer, but your elementary attempt at design and a few comments telling you how cool it is hardly qualifies your statements. Moreover, this idea that you have about being able to learn everything you need to know on your own is cute and all, but there is still a great deal of worth in education. Some have made it without it, some have made it and still found it useful, others have gone through schooling and came out working in another filed. Whatever your path, the one thing no one will be able to teach you for obvious attitude reasons, is respect for the trade. You clearly lack that.

And fwiw, THX1139 is quite correct about his assessment of your type treatment.
Nothing like the condescending tone of a member of 5 years with 25,000 posts. Every forum has one like you jess.
It was not necessarily condescending, it was a healthy dose of reality that you're obviously in desperate need of. You clearly have no respect for the trade or those who choose formal education and training to supplement their talent. Your maturity continues to ooze as you attack something as insignificant as post count. :rolleyes: You're going to go real far in life kid, real far.
It was not necessarily condescending, it was a healthy dose of reality that you're obviously in desperate need of. You clearly have no respect for the trade or those who choose formal education and training to supplement their talent. Your maturity continues to ooze as you attack something as insignificant as post count. :rolleyes: You're going to go real far in life kid, real far.

I agree with you, from experience.

My first taste of DTP was a work placement as a "Mac Operator" in 6th form college. When I left, I tried getting on with a training agency to study it further but all they could offer was a placement at a small, badly organised company using Amigas to create video presentations for estate agents, hardly what I wanted to do.

Not to mention it was just one of those "schemes" the government like to come out with to artificially lower the unemployment figures by paying teenagers the equivalent of benefits to work almost full time and (supposedly) gain vocational qualifications in the field.

They eventually found a course for me at a nearby college, it was 1995 and they were DOS based PCs, nothing to do with DTP but they insisted it was the only the course they had available. I was getting earache at home because the short-term financial problems of not being able to pay board till I was working again were OBVIOUSLY far more important than my future and it only took several months to find out the other campus down the road did a proper Mac based DTP course and I'd being misinformed by a worthless training agency, wasting almost 18 months by then getting nowhere.

Just by luck alone, I began doing DTP for a company owned by a friend of the family, designing advertisements, logos etc... and by the time I was 25, I'd being doing DTP for a living for 6 years.

Then a company went under after trying to sell too few ads in too many different areas at once for a very dubious mailshot idea they decided to start doing.

I tried staying there as it fell apart around me, started having panic attacks from the stress of it all and because I wasn't earning enough to have moved out by then, got nothing but self-centred objection when I couldn't take it any more and wanted to leave.

My doctor signed me off with stress eventually and ever since, I've had problems travelling because I began to panic on the way into work and to this day can't stand being in any kind of vehicle for more than an hour.

I did basic clerical work after that and noticed the wages were either better or exactly the same as DTP and there were no 13 a dozen telesales blaggers on more money than me for simply having the gift of the gab.

After several years doing basic office work, I noticed a lot of people around my own age or younger who'd gone to university, got themselves in debt up to their eyeballs paying for it but somehow ended up doing basic office work too.

I did try getting back into it but it's being 8 years of clerical boredom now, in fact, I've done nothing but agency based contracting since 2008, which isn't good when you end up with periods of unemployment from time to time, making it hard to plan anything.

If I'd had the chance to pursue DTP as a qualification, I could have bypassed having to work for those small advertising based companies, got something purely design based with a larger company instead and likely still be doing that for a living.

At least I've only ever owned Macs at home, back when I started DTP, it took me 2 years to get enough together for a Beige G3 but these days, all I look for is clerical stuff, I can't afford to risk doing something on a trial basis to get back into it because I have bills to pay, I can't work for the pittance of a wage a lot of the smaller companies offer when I know I've earned more doing basic office work and having met quite a few people who pursued some degree or other as just a "personal interest" and ended up in the same temporary admin jobs as I did, I think if you're going to study something, base it on what you WANT to do for a living and earn some skills of value before it's too late!
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It was not necessarily condescending, it was a healthy dose of reality...

Sounded like a healthy dose of reality to me too. I'm an art school drop out who has been lucky in turning my innate talent into a design career. Even though I managed it, I'd still recommend getting a solid education.

And yeah... that type could use a little help... okay, a lot of help.
I initially thought I'd be fine without going to school as I'm self-taught as well but going to school and learning about fundamentals I had no clue about made a massive difference.

Fill up on the blogs and tweets all you want but unless you know exactly what you need to learn, chances are you won't have the give-a-crap to retain all of what you're reading and you'll learn little to nothing.

Too many people that have technical skills think they're awesome when they're really lacking the basics and conceptual thinking. Technical can always be learned. It's the concept stage that's the most important.

While your poster looks cool and all, all it shows me (and any Creative Director / Designer) is that you know how to follow a tutorial, you really like those girls and there's very little understanding about type.

You asked for my opinion ;)
Type: sorts the sheep from the goats. First thing I often look at when checking out other people's work, seeing if their H&J chops are up to speed, seeing if they know how to set a proper measure and grid. Seeing if they have empathy with the shapes and character of letterforms and the spaces that surround them.

This work does not demonstrate any such consideration... besides, another way of telling a professional from an amateur is how they respond to the process of design critique, a crucially fundamental part of the role.

Designers don't really get paid much when it comes to full time positions

Depends on the level, management responsibilities and seniority... and of course, within the general field of design, you have positions like creative director which can be extremely well-paid.

past having an officially recognized qualification there is nothing i could be taught that i couldnt learn on my own.

Anyone who reads this and who wishes to become a successful designer is strongly urged to ignore this piece of homespun wisdom.
utterly inelegant. looks like a bunch of stuff just got stuck onto a field.

there is a difference between knowing a trick or two with some software...and knowing something.

and...What blue velvet said.

if you don't want to go the formal education route (I didn't, it's not for everyone) then try apprenticing with someone (I did). Honestly, you need someone, professional, in the field to help you know (definitely in your case) at least how to kern properly, AA R O a bare minimum.


Kerning is the adjustment of space between pairs of letters to make them more visually appealing. It is normally applied to individual letter pairs in headlines or other large type.
Also Known As: letterspacing | character spacing
The default spacing between some characters leaves gaps that can be adjusted by kerning the two letters to achieve a more visually balanced appearance. Decreasing space is negative kerning. Some commonly kerned pairs include Wa, To, and Ya. Sometimes kerning involves increasing the space between characters or positive kerning to keep them from running together, such as the l's in "Godzilla."
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It was not necessarily condescending, it was a healthy dose of reality that you're obviously in desperate need of. You clearly have no respect for the trade or those who choose formal education and training to supplement their talent. Your maturity continues to ooze as you attack something as insignificant as post count. :rolleyes: You're going to go real far in life kid, real far.

Jessica, your being ridiculous as well. You misinterpreted his comment as saying that formal education is worthless, just as he misinterpreted your statement as being purely condescending. And if he is so desperately in need of a reality check, then let the success or failure of his freelance work give him that.

Just by the fact you would say something like "You're going to go real far in life kid, real far", at the end of your statement right after talking about maturity shows that your being just as defensive as he is. This is a goddamn forum, you don't need to defend your qualifications to strangers.

Both of you get off your high horses.
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