You should just have your mom crit your stuff - then you'll be happy.
Urghh come on THX, ive come to respect your posts generally on the forums and now you say something like this to a 26 year old guy. I mean come on bro.
Nope. His technique was completely different to mine, personally i dont like using the 3D function in CS5 and prefer to use a dedicated 3D program for stuff like that.
Play around with the extrude nurbs a bit will get a better bevel on those letters.
The phong angle could do with being reduced some as well.
Yea actually thought about this long after it was done, as well as extruding parts of the top of the lettering to give a bit more depth to it.
Another example of my work.
Whilst i totally accept that there are people here who have superior knowledge than me, and that some of the stuff i say may be considered 'bad advice' im not a complete idiot, and do have, whether you choose to accept it, some talent, *some*.
Mainly the advice given in this somewhat bumpy thread has been good, the ones here who have taken the time to explain certain aspects, giving their experience, explaining aspects like Kerning etc but some people here really need to get off their internet warrior armchairs.
Is the type bad? Sure, from a professional designer point of view yea, sure, cool, for someone who works in an office, and who has had no training and self taught everything, i dont think overall its THAT bad. Seriously.
This whole thing has been over analysed and whilst some of you are giving good advice, seriously you are, and im listening, some of you need to get a life and stop jumping on the bandwagon and using any opportunity to bust someones balls.