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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 17, 2006
Las Vegas
I seem to have a problem lately, incoming calls are being sent to voicemail (without the phone ringing), and worse yet is that the voicemail messages arent being displayed on my phone. I cant seem to replicate the problem myself, but I've had three different people tell me that they've called multiple times and havent been able to get through.
I seem to have a problem lately, incoming calls are being sent to voicemail (without the phone ringing), and worse yet is that the voicemail messages arent being displayed on my phone. I cant seem to replicate the problem myself, but I've had three different people tell me that they've called multiple times and havent been able to get through.

I have this SAME problem, and its not the iPhone. It's AT&T's network. I used to have the cingular 8125 when this originally started. My friends would FINALLY get intouch with me, and theyd say.. i called you 5 times and all the phone did was go right to voicemail. Meanwhile, I never get the voicemails, and i have full bars.

This all started happening to me right around the time at&t was merging with cingular.. i had been with cingular for 2 years prior, and i never had the problem before.

I went to cingular store immediatley after 3 people told me this. The cingular rep picked up his phone, dialed my number, and it rang right away. His answer was "Its working, what do you want me to do?" Frustraded i walked out thinking, only a couple of months for the iPhone, ill stick it out.

When I got the iPhone, I thought this problem would be solved. It wasn't. It's continuing to happen. Apparently theres a dead spot for service where my room is, becuase that usually where it happens. IT SO ANNOYING that im paying 80 something dollars for a service that works SOMETIMES. i love the iphone, i dont want to give it up. I WANT THE SERVICE TO WORK.
You cannot use EDGE and make or receive phone calls at the same tume. That's most likely your problem. The fact that you don't get the voice messages is very strange...
You cannot use EDGE and make or receive phone calls at the same tume. That's most likely your problem. The fact that you don't get the voice messages is very strange...

I dont understand that... Isnt edge always on? And this happens when im not touching my phone. when its just sitting on the table.
I dont understand that... Isnt edge always on? And this happens when im not touching my phone. when its just sitting on the table.
To be more specific, you can be connected to EDGE and receive calls, but if your phone is transmitting or receiving data when a call comes in, the call goes to voicemail.

If your phone is just sitting there, could it be syncing email in the background?
To be more specific, you can be connected to EDGE and receive calls, but if your phone is transmitting or receiving data when a call comes in, the call goes to voicemail.

If your phone is just sitting there, could it be syncing email in the background?

i gotcha...
I dont think its syncing e-mail either becuase it was giving me the same problem with my cingular 8125, and that i had to manually sync to get my email. to be honest i dont think its an iphone issue, i think its just a service problem with at&t
Are you serious? I was wondering why a ton of my calls weren't coming through. I even tried calling myself from a landline and i couldn't reach myself. Went right to voice mail.

I turned off auto checking for email every 15 minutes and now i miss less calls but this edge not working with phone calls at the same time thing is a major issue.
Mines been set to manual, and i still miss them. That would really be annoying if im missing calls because of EDGE. How could a cellphone, use a service that would screw you out of missing phone calls? :mad:
Okay... 1st of all if you are on EDGE it does not go to voicemail it stops and your fone rings. 2nd the only reason it goes to voicemail.. is b/c there is a dead signal somewhere in your area/room/ or whatever u are. you can try taking the sim out n restarting the phone. The other guy that went to the cingular store and it worked b/c there was service there... Some places have dead signal areas... could be a room, a section of a house/apt or something.. that's all i can say.
I tested it and here's what's happening..

While you're loading a website using EDGE.Remember the website MUST be loading.Incoming calls are directed to voicemail.

Now if you're at a website that has completely downloaded a call will show up instead of directing to voicemail.

I did this three times to confirm it's a "bug"

It has been reported to Radar.
Okay... 1st of all if you are on EDGE it does not go to voicemail it stops and your fone rings. 2nd the only reason it goes to voicemail.. is b/c there is a dead signal somewhere in your area/room/ or whatever u are. you can try taking the sim out n restarting the phone. The other guy that went to the cingular store and it worked b/c there was service there... Some places have dead signal areas... could be a room, a section of a house/apt or something.. that's all i can say.

i think your pretty much right. my room has dead spots. the crappy part is it never did with cingular. only since the merger.
Dont really know how that could be, since their using the same towers but.. it is what it is.
To be more specific, you can be connected to EDGE and receive calls, but if your phone is transmitting or receiving data when a call comes in, the call goes to voicemail.

If your phone is just sitting there, could it be syncing email in the background?

this is my first time browsing on edge
and every time i get a call my phone does ring
i know, is there any way of them fixing this problem. i mean cant they stop a web page download and let the call come in and then continue downloading the page. just like they do with music when a call comes in
this is my first time browsing on edge
and every time i get a call my phone does ring

Do me a favor please.
Next time you are at your home use Safari on the iPhone.Go to a page that requires a long time to load on the EDGE network.As soon as the page starts to load use your home phone and call your iPhone.Please tell me what happens.Be sure to have WiFi turned off.

Do me a favor please.
Next time you are at your home use Safari on the iPhone.Go to a page that requires a long time to load on the EDGE network.As soon as the page starts to load use your home phone and call your iPhone.Please tell me what happens.Be sure to have WiFi turned off.


I just tested your theory. Your right. I turned wi-fi off, went to and called myself. it didnt ring, and i sat there for about 15 seconds, and then my voicemail picked up. i also did not get a notice that i had a missed call.

This will not happen if wifi is on?
I just tested your theory. Your right. I turned wi-fi off, went to and called myself. it didnt ring, and i sat there for about 15 seconds, and then my voicemail picked up. i also did not get a notice that i had a missed call.

This will not happen if wifi is on?


If you were able to receive a call while using WiFi it will not happen.If what you said about being able to receive a call while surfing WiFi is correct.

I'll try it after my lunch.

[edit] Finished lunch..I LOVE Thai food :)

I switched my iPhone to use WiFi.
Open Safari on it and went to a site that took a while to load.
AS it was loading I used my regular phone to call my iPhone and the call appeared.

Apparently this bug is only during EDGE connectivity.And only while a webpage is loading.
Still serious..


Ah, so thats it - now I have to put a message on my voicemail... "if you were connected to voicemail directly, you might want to try and call me back again"... lame.

So is it a problem with the phone or the network (or both?). Who do I call to complain?

And the lack of voicemails might not be a problem - it could be people just hanging up.
welcome to Edge! Or GRPS, etc... Edge is a lot like dial-up. The blue E means is available to use, but not on. Now when you decide to do something, it connects - like dial-up. For example, wait a whie and check mail. It takes a while to connect, then says checking mail. Now play in Safari and go check mail, it does so almost instantly. So, like dial-up, it has to connect first. It also has an idle time out where it disconnects. Maybe a minute or so. So sometimes pages load quickly, sometimes it needs to connect first.

Also like dial-up, it uses the line so calls do not come through.

Hoevere, it is not like dial-up in one way. When no data is being transmited it can disconnect promptly and a call can come through. If the line is busy with data traffic, no call. Once the call is over, the Edge will reconnect if needed.

This is just how it is. Its NOT a bug!
So is it a problem with the phone or the network (or both?). Who do I call to complain?
I agree with unity. In all of my years of hanging out in the T-Mobile and AT&T forums over at HowardForums, it's always been that GPRS/EDGE devices work like that.

Someone in another thread mentioned something about EDGE being able to signal the phone that a voice call is coming in, but I've never heard of that before.

AFAIK, it's only 3G phones that will let voice interrupt an active data session.
Meh, so I called Apple this morning and they basically said that what I experienced was normal operation. Kind of a crappy response but oh well. You think if Apple and AT&T came up with visual voicemail, they could fix this problem too. I put it as a big sticking point in my review of the phone.
You have to be kidding me! This is an awesome phone/computer/whatever but this is one of those things that absolutely ruins it for me. I'm going to test this for myself tomorrow and if it's true, I'm returning it and canceling AT&T and going back to my Sidekick. yes, it uses GPRS but I didn't notice this happening with it and I am ALWAYS surfing the web while at work.

I've had a few voicemails pop up out of nowhere but I didn't realize it was because I was loading a web page.

It's almost as if the iPhone is a mobile web browser, OR a phone, OR an iPod. None of them work properly together or at the same time.
Im having flash-backs to the dawn of the internet when I had to tell people: "When you are online, you are using you phone line so you won't get any phone calls and you can't make any until you disconnect." Generally that was followed by a rather blank stare.

And yes, this happens with GRPS too. I used GRPS for a while, but its way to slow for me.
Im having flash-backs to the dawn of the internet when I had to tell people: "When you are online, you are using you phone line so you won't get any phone calls and you can't make any until you disconnect." Generally that was followed by a rather blank stare.

And yes, this happens with GRPS too. I used GRPS for a while, but its way to slow for me.
and they solved that problem with broadband, years ago. time for the cell phones to catch up. thats dinosaur technology.
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