Sorry if this is OT, and if it is, mods please move this post into a different thread.
I'm new to iPad, just bought the Air 3. Here is my setup and what I need, so I'm evaluating apps - if anyone can give me some pointers, I'd be very grateful.
Setup - I have a TON of movies on external HDDs hooked up to my late 2009 iMac through usb 2 connections. Basically, I have 11 8TB drives all hooked up to the iMac. This is my movie/TV collection. I watch all this on my 27" iMac using VLC. It's all kinds of formats, but all play on VLC.
What I'd like: My iMac is stationary in the study, I'd like to be able to take my Air into the bedroom, browse movies on my HDDs right from my iPad without downloading anything and just stream any movie from those HDDs on the iPad so I can watch in bed.
From my preliminary reading, it seems like VLC streamer might be an option. My question is what does Infuse do for me here compared to other options? TIA!