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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Oct 21, 2005
Last time I upgraded (from MacOS 10.9 Mavericks to 10.13 High Sierra) I was told that if you install it on an SSD it would convert the drive to the APFS format (which I should avoid, using a workaround option for installing it along with HFS+). I did what was suggested and stayed with HFS+. It's worked fine for years.

Now I'm in the process of upgrading my mid-2012 Macbook Pro (from 10.13.6 High Sierra to 10.14) and understand I'm back in the same situation, but I can't remember why I shouldn't move over to APFS and the implications of it if I do, and if whatever was problematic back then have improved/been resolved with 10.14. Can someone please explain?

I did find a thread entitled Is it possible to install Mojave and keep HFS+ ? where the OP mentions having several disk-related apps which can't handle APFS, but as far as I remember I have none of those (or am aware of apps that specifically will only work with HFS+, but then again it's nothing I've ever investigated properly either...).
I didn't quite understand the conclusion, but it seems that although it's possible to stay with HFS+ when installing 10.14 it's going to prevent any updates etc. Is this true?
Are there reasons why I should stay away from APFS despite this? Do I need to reformat my backup drives (hard drives, not SSD) to APFS as well, or can they stay at HFS+ ?
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