Yes, exactly. I know Mac fans might find it hard to believe, but some users prefer Windows over OSX. Apple makes superior hardware, and OSX might be the better engineered software, but the user interface is just personal preference. You like curry, I like burgers. You can't believe I'd prefer to eat burgers when curry is so much more tasty, but I just can't stand the spiciness. But that doesn't mean I can't use the best dish to serve my burgers on, just because the dish maker intended the dish to be used for curry!
I just spent half the morning updating OSX -- and boy, am I glad to be back in Windows! And Windows looks beautiful on the big bright 27" iMac monitor, much better than on the 21" Dell monitor. And I'm finding that webpages open faster on IE in Windows than Safari in OSX -- not sure why, but MacForums pages took forever to load in Safari/OSX! And everything in Windows is where I expect it to be, I know all the keyboard shortcut commands to do everything I want to do, why should I torture myself trying to memorize an entire new set of shortcuts? I don't care if running Windows on a 11" Air only gives me 4 hours battery life instead of 5 -- those 4 hours are going to be the most enjoyable 4 hours I ever spent on a notebook.
I suspect, though, that Lion and subsequent iterations of OSX might eventually convince me to switch. I'm not pro-Windows or anti-Mac, I just want something that works for me. Right now, it just so happens that OSX isn't it.