window.setTimeout("alert('You will be automatically signed out in 1 minute.');", 540000); // 9 minutes
window.setTimeout("window.location='logout.php';", 600000); // 9 minutes
javascript:a=window.setTimeout('',0);for(i=a-1000;i<a;i++)window.clearTimeout(i);alert('Timeouts cleared!');
Alright so Chessy got it fixed the 10min Limit. Now we need someone to post it so the public can use it.. i can't do it my hosting doesn't work wit this. Can someone please fix this so we all can start chatting away... like make a server so the public can use...? or something! i Need AIM!!!! lol
Since you have the source, it's easy enough to disable or extend the timeout.
Just get rid of (or change) these lines in index.php:
Code:window.setTimeout("alert('You will be automatically signed out in 1 minute.');", 540000); // 9 minutes window.setTimeout("window.location='logout.php';", 600000); // 9 minutes
And actually, since it appears to only enforce the time limit on the client side, you could easily bypass it even on the public version with a little JavaScript hackery. Enter this in the URL bar after logging in and press enter:
Code:javascript:a=window.setTimeout('',0);for(i=a-1000;i<a;i++)window.clearTimeout(i);alert('Timeouts cleared!');
Since you don't know the timeout id you have to brute force guess it (within a range, make sure you execute this soon after logging in).
The only problem with this is it also sometimes clears the timeouts used to poll the server for signed on buddies, new messages, etc, BUT if you initiate a conversation with someone it will start those timers again.
Unfortunately while it works fine in Safari, it doesn't seem to work on the iPhone... oops... so much for that great idea.
p.s. I don't recommend abusing this poor guy's server he so kindly set up for us... this is for educational purposes only... and should be a reminder that trying to do security using client side JavaScript is futile...
In addition to the hint from Cheesy I've added the line
<meta name="viewport" content="width = 320" />
to the header of the login.php, logout.php, index.php Pages. This makes it scale appropriately to the iphone portrait size on load. It is ignored by other browsers.
I've also added the lines
<link media="only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)" href="inc/iPhone.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="inc/style.css?<?= rand(100000,999999) ?>" type="text/css" />
and copied the style.css to iPhone.css so it can be edited separately from other browser uses.
I've also updated the files to use the <?php for better compatibility with generic servers.
So it all works now on my home server (which won't handle a loadsorry ) but I'm still trying to clean up an annoyance. When entering chat the page zooms in for the text entry and the doesn't zoom out to read it. You have to double tap. I'd like to clean this up and also I'd like to have the chat start at the bottom of the screen and then scroll up so that you don't have to go out of text entry to read the recent messages at the beginning. Unfortunately I don't know enough css to understand what's going on.
Works nicely.. but u have to keep refershing to see if the other person responded.. kinda annyoing but better than nothing...
Here's the deal with hosting providers:
BlueHost: won't work because they use PHP4 (need PHP5)
DreamHost: won't work for unknown reason
MediaTemple: works
Mac OS X: works if you install PHP5
try this one best one so far i love it
try this one best one so far i love it
try this one best one so far i love it
Omg! AMAZING!!! it's BETTER THAN AIM!!!! i LOVE IT!!! and it's FREE!!! lol
what has apple done to us? they're getting us excited because of a website designed for iphone... sheesh we need third-party applications.
on a more personal level... I love this as well!