ARM trails x64 by about half for TFlops/s per core and TFlops/s per Kw on TOP500 supercomputers.
AMD Epyc 7763 (Perlmutter)
0.093 TFlops/s per core
27.37 TFlops/s per Kw
Fujitsu A64FX ARM (Fagaku)
0.058 TFlops/s per core
14.78 TFlops/s per Kw
While the description on the TOP 500 website talks about the clock speed of the CPU for calculating Rpeak, it also includes GPU capability for heterogeneous systems like Perlmutter.
The Top 500 lists Perlmutter at 760,000+ cores. Of that, however, currently Perlmutter only has about 96,000 AMD cores as the heterogenous system was built first. The other ~650,000 cores that achieve its TFlops ratings are GPU cores from the Nvidia A100 (roughly 6,000 of them). Phase 2 cabinets with just the Milan cores are only being built now. Fugaku is CPU only.
NERSC’s flagship supercomputer is an HPE Cray named “Perlmutter” in honor of Saul Perlmutter. An astrophysicist at Berkeley Lab and a professor of physics at UC Berkeley, Dr. Perlmutter shared the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to research showing that the expansion of the...
That's 1,500+ nodes with 1x64 core AMD CPU and 4x108 SM Nvidia GPU - 744,000+ cores (then add the user access nodes, non-compute nodes, and service nodes to get 760,000+).
Again, Fugaku is CPU only. That it's as good as it is against a heterogenous system is impressive. I would've expected better from Perlmutter though elements of linpack really do favor CPUs and vector processing. Zen 3 Milan is a very fine, well rounded server CPU and compares favorably with just about everything out in the market and the GPUs will be probably excellent for the scenarios they are designed for.
But just out of curiosity did you actually think that Perlmutter's 700,000 cores were all CPU despite the description of it in the list explicitly mentioning the GPU type?
Or did you hope no one else would know what Perlmutter was or bother to check when you left out the GPU in your description and divided the Tflops by the 700,000 cores and declared that to be the score per Epyc core and Kw?