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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 30, 2005
Blue Velvet said:
We all hear the same stuff — most of it is rubbish. Talking about it and other related and unrelated topics is what this forum is about.

Personally, I would go by some of the educated guesses I hear from regulars rather than some of the wackier stuff that we hear as 'rumours'.

Most of those 'rumours' you seem so desperate to hear about start off as personal views anyway.

If they start of as personal views, then they are not rumors, if they start of as "inside info" then they are rumors.

Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
zoran said:
If they start of as personal views, then they are not rumors, if they start of as "inside info" then they are rumors.

How exactly can you tell which is which then? :rolleyes:

Do you think that genuine info is attributed? Wise up and welcome to MR.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 30, 2005
Blue Velvet said:
How exactly can you tell which is which then? :rolleyes:

Do you think that genuine info is attributed? Wise up and welcome to MR.

I never said i could, no one can, to be more exact only one person can tell rumors from personal views and that person is Steve. Im only reminding, so people that contribute to not share personal views as rumors!
Thats all for now!


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
zoran said:
i thank you all for the contribution but guys this is MacRumors not MacPersonalViews. I would prefer the hear rumors things u have heard, of course personal views are welcome but rumors count more in here-i think!
I'm basing my views on information I have read here, and elsewhere. It's not just speculation based on my opinion. ;) You want real rumors, look for them on the front page.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 30, 2005
solvs said:
I'm basing my views on information I have read here, and elsewhere. It's not just speculation based on my opinion. ;) You want real rumors, look for them on the front page.

True its just that sometimes u can bypass info.
Anyway lets end our personal chat noone else is intrested in this prive chat we are having! Thanx for helping out!


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
zoran said:
Anyway lets end our personal chat noone else is intrested in this prive chat we are having!
Not at all, since I use deductive reasoning and forward-looking statements put out by tech companies to accurately prognosticate the likelihood of speculative rumors being true or not as with the case with the aluminum cinema displays which I correctly predicted would have thinner bezels and the introduction of flash memory mp3 players based on the assumptive deduction that Steve does indeed employ a reality distortion field used to disguise his intentions which also resulted in the correct prediction of video capable iPods and introduction of a MS competitor to Home Media Center all of which can be gleamed from reading from a plethora of tech news and understanding the phenomenal rate at which digital lifestyle appliances are increasingly being used by the general consumer base and the explosive growth of digital music and downloadable video content all of which is easier to understand and speculate with reasonable level of assurance that the rumors can turn out to be real.

Here's to the Crazy Ones


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
Lacero said:
Not at all, since I use deductive reasoning and forward-looking statements put out by tech companies to accurately prognosticate the likelihood of speculative rumors being true or not...
OMG! You're an analyst!!! Now I know you're evil. ;) :p


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
solvs said:
OMG! You're an analyst!!! Now I know you're evil.
Nah. I was just talking crap. I'm not really an analist.

Yes, I intentionally spelled it analist, not analyst, don't be hurtin' me with your words!
Here's to the Crazy Ones


Nov 25, 2005
zoran said:
i think Steve made a mistake not to specify what line of models will come out in June cause a lot of people and im one of them are not buying dual cores right now cause they expect intel PowerMacs.

In that case you should have a look what Intel products are around the corner, and you will find there is nothing that beats a G5. There are processors that come pretty close, and they will be there in dual core versions (only), and they will be pretty low-power and all this combined will make one hell of a new PowerBook, but for anyone who thinks about buying a PowerMac these chips are quite irrelevant. Apple has no problem at all with high-power chips, their problem is low-power chips.


macrumors 603
Jul 23, 2002
Holly Springs, NC
Lacero said:
Not at all, since I use deductive reasoning and forward-looking statements put out by tech companies to accurately prognosticate the likelihood of speculative rumors being true or not as with the case with the aluminum cinema displays which I correctly predicted would have thinner bezels and the introduction of flash memory mp3 players based on the assumptive deduction that Steve does indeed employ a reality distortion field used to disguise his intentions which also resulted in the correct prediction of video capable iPods and introduction of a MS competitor to Home Media Center all of which can be gleamed from reading from a plethora of tech news and understanding the phenomenal rate at which digital lifestyle appliances are increasingly being used by the general consumer base and the explosive growth of digital music and downloadable video content all of which is easier to understand and speculate with reasonable level of assurance that the rumors can turn out to be real.

Here's to the Crazy Ones

That has to be a run on sentence....:eek:


macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2005
I still think PPC is better than Intel.... I am rather pissed off at #1 IBM for not making/developing/faking (like intel) bigger numbers, and #2 Apple for not just sticking with IBM and giving in to the numbers hype...

To me its like audio.. my HK amp may be only 75 watts per channel but its RMS which means it beat the socks off of some cheap sony or kenwood amp that advertises is 350 watts... since i would venture to bet that the RMS on those amps are no more than 10 watts.

Maybe i should just accept the inevitable...



macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2005
I expect the powerbooks to get a dual core yonah 2ghz out in january, Intel is releasing that CPU like 4 days before macworld also.
Now, this dual core yonah will have a battery life much the same as the current 1.67ghz G4. But it will offer the performance of a dual core 2ghz or 2.3ghz G5! Hence what Jobs meant when he said power per watt.:D
Ed H, there is plenty of R&D put into Powerpc. Especially by freescale....
You know that the fastest desktop CPU around is not a RISC. But the Athlon X2 4800+ I'm just saying... that x86 is now the best architecture around in terms of performance and power requirements.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 30, 2005
Personally i hate that apple is going intel. IBM should stay apple, guys this intel monopoly is not good. I hope AMD gets in the picture, but it doesnt look like it. Damn u Intel for beeing so important and damn u IBM for not complying with our needs and damn u computer for making me loose precious time on chit chatting about all these nonsence... ill get back to the farmers life fo sure!


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
aafuss1 said:
I hope the CPU's for some Intel based Mac's will be user-replaceable (DIY parts). Maybe they will be air-cooled in the Power Mac's.

It will be interesting to see how Apple handles this. In the Intel PC world, Joe User can go out and (presuming the mobo will handle it) plop in a new CPU once it's released to upgrade his machine. Will Intel Mac users be able to do the same thing, or will they have to wait for months for an update?

Oh, and you might want to learn how to use apostrophes properly. :p :cool:


macrumors 68020
Aug 6, 2005
There is no need for the iBook to have a Celeron chip in it. The current price point allows for a decent clocked Pentium M chip in there, or equivalent future Intel processor. The Powerbook can of course go for the fastest M out at the time...or go Dual Core with the Yonahs. People should understand that while the iBook is the "consumer" line of laptops, it shoudl still be better than the cheapskate laptops you can buy at the moment with the crippled Celerons.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Project said:
There is no need for the iBook to have a Celeron chip in it. The current price point allows for a decent clocked Pentium M chip in there, or equivalent future Intel processor. The Powerbook can of course go for the fastest M out at the time...or go Dual Core with the Yonahs. People should understand that while the iBook is the "consumer" line of laptops, it shoudl still be better than the cheapskate laptops you can buy at the moment with the crippled Celerons.

I question whether Apple would go with existing technology (i.e. Pentium M) or new technology though (i.e. Yonah - to me, that was the whole point of transitioning to Intel, to take advantage of what Intel has coming down the pipe (Merom, Conroe, Woodcrest, etc.), not just to slap a bunch of Xeons, P4s and Pemtium Ms all over the place. Guess we'll see.


Jul 9, 2000
~Shard~ said:
I question whether Apple would go with existing technology (i.e. Pentium M) or new technology though (i.e. Yonah - to me, that was the whole point of transitioning to Intel, to take advantage of what Intel has coming down the pipe (Merom, Conroe, Woodcrest, etc.), not just to slap a bunch of Xeons, P4s and Pemtium Ms all over the place. Guess we'll see.

i will take that xeon, though ;)


macrumors 6502
Apr 30, 2002
I hope Apple gets all the developers on the Universal Binary program and keeps them there -- it always keeps the IBM door open should Big Blue see sense and pay more attention to making the G5 efficient on power.

As for what's coming out this next month? If you're holding your breath on an Intel replacement for the G5, don't. The current G5 models are very strong by industry standards unless you're a monomaniacal gamer. It's the G4 models that are being rendered uncompetitive by the arrival of the Yonah chip. So my prediction is for the iBook and Mac Mini to be dealt with. The larger Powerbooks stay PPC until the summer -- I hope the 15 and 17 inch Powerbooks get one last PPC boost with the 7448, but that will be up to Freescale, whether they have been able to provide Apple over the past couple of months with chips that actually work (Apple has already done the necessary engineering on the motherboard, as the current 15 and 17 models have the faster memory, new power management and so on that pave the way for the pin-compatible 7448 to actually deliver real-world improvement). The 12 inch Powerbook is done for; a widescreen Intel iBook will provide a temporary replacement for the 12 inch PB until new ultra-low-voltage Yonah chips in late spring or early summer provide Apple with an opportunity to finally break their lightest-notebook record that has been held for so long by the Powerbook Duo.


macrumors member
Oct 31, 2003
~Shard~ said:
Therefore, I predict PowerMacs will be the last Mac to transition to Intel, sometime in 2007.

I don't think there will be an Intel PowerMac until Jan. '07 at the earliest!!! But I think the X-Serves, not the PowerMacs, will be the last mac to transition to Intel chips.

Just my $0.02


Jul 9, 2000
zoran said:
traitors i wouldnt :D

if you used a mac with an "ibm" chip, used "microsoft" software even if made for a mac, used a mac with "intel's" usb or "comptia's" uma, then you are already a traitor, so there ;)
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