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Well I'm currently using WPA & WPA2 Personal on Airport Express.

Also fiddling with Interference Robustness can change the speed. Currently it's dissabled on the Express, but enabled on my iMac.

Also I have enabled a multicast rate of 22 and selected on G compatible.. So my DS no longer works :eek:

I currently get 1.3mb with this setting, a boost from the 600KBps

However my mac mini, powermac, powerbook, two pc's and old dell laptop still outshine it, getting around 1.65 - 1.7 regardless of what settings are on the airport express basestation.......

The ISP test I run gives me a quality score for the signal as well, with my other computers my ISP gets a quality of around 85-92%....

On my iMac its boosted to 65%, up from 15% at the start...........

It has to be the airport in the machine, I imagine they aren't using the same airport as in the other PPC macs...

Plug in the Ethernet cable directly to cable modem and I got over 1.7mbps and isp rating of 93% which say's it all....

EDIT:--- However I had a problem with signal strength reaching some of my computers and 1 in paticular was being a pain (but that computer is in a soundproof padded room) so I had to compromise. I went back to default setup and all computers now connect, except with the imac being a little slow. For most people there's an easy workaround as they dont have 7 computers they need to connect, but for me I'm just going to hav t owait patiently for an update.....
Intel iMac confusion

I had few networking problems when using my G4 iMac but I am quite confused by the networking problems I am experiencing with my new 20" Intel iMac. I use a Netgear D834G to access the internet and to network wirelessly with 2 other Macs. After about 24 hours of unsuccessful trying I found out that the only way I could maintain an internet connection was to turn off all security on the router.
I note in this forum that some suggest that using WEP2 works for them. The choices the Netgear gives me are as follows WEP, WPA-PSK and WPA-802.1x
is one of these equivelent to WEP2?
Do I have to set up anything in the Network System Preferences on the iMac?

PS. Has anyone had any problems plugging in headphones or external speakers (miniplugs) to the latest iMacs - I only get sound on the right channel and the plug won't go in the last 1mm.
It looks like i actually have this problem too. I was using wpa2 personal and did a speed test *i use 2mb cale) and it came back at 612kbps so i turned wpa2 off and selected no security it has rise to 1.2mbps

I'm going to try other configurations now

wpa2 = 612kb
none = 1.2
wep 128bit = 1.3 (but only 37kbps upload)
wpa - 800kbps (200 upload)
BakedBeans said:
It looks like i actually have this problem too. I was using wpa2 personal and did a speed test *i use 2mb cale) and it came back at 612kbps so i turned wpa2 off and selected no security it has rise to 1.2mbps

I'm going to try other configurations now

wpa2 = 612kb
none = 1.2
wep 128bit = 1.3 (but only 37kbps upload)
wpa - 800kbps (200 upload)

Yeah similar results to myself Beans..... Where I notice it most is in FrontRow movie trailers. Plug in ethernet cable directly and movie trailers stream with no hicups/buffering pauses.... Use airport and it's a different story...

So it looks like this is the first of a couple of 'hiccups' of the intel imacs...

This and video tearing (though that is a software issue) I'm hoping the airport performance is due to a new airport being used and imatuer drivers.
Hopefully an airport fix will be released seperatly or with the 10.4.5 update for intel builds (along with new gfx drivers to fix those with tearing problems)...

lamont ancient said:
PS. Has anyone had any problems plugging in headphones or external speakers (miniplugs) to the latest iMacs - I only get sound on the right channel and the plug won't go in the last 1mm.

Have you checked sound preferences. This right channel problem is common in powerbooks and since the new imac is basically a laptop (exact same hadware to macbookpro) once you've got your speakers plugged in, go to system preferences/sound and move the slidebar to the middle.....

The 1mm thing is common on this model too. I think it's just the way they've integrated the optical output via TosLink adapter and 3mm Jack for speakers/headphones....
Quick security question related to this problem -

Until there is some sort of patch for this, would I be just as safe if instead of any encryption I just turned on MAC Filtering and IP Filtering in my router? My router only has WPA, so I imagine that anyone who would go through the trouble to spoof a MAC address would be just as likely to crack a WPA password... am I right? Or should I suffer the slow speeds and leave the encryption on?

I thought I was going to go buy a new router.. but I just got a hefty new tax bill from the IRS instead.... :mad:
MacRumorUser said:
For some reason the internet connection on my new intel imac sucks ass.

My powermac G5, mac mini and imac G4 all connect at 1.65mbps on my 2mb internet connection over airport express... Not too bad at all...

However my intel imac only manages to reach speeds of around 300-600KBps over the same connection. Speed the machine takes to request a page is noticeably slower too...

Even the 2 pc's in both the office & studio connect via usb 54gd dongles to airport express to cable modem at 1.73mbps (slighlty more than the other macs)...

I've tried running the test with Safari and a Universal version of Firefox and the results are the same... 300-600KBps

Very dissapointed with this.. Anyone else noticed this too?

I assume you just typed them wrong, but you do realize that 300-600KBps = 2.34-4.69 mbps?

For sake of clarity...

KB = kilobytes
MB = megabytes
Kb(or kb) = kilobit
Mb (or mb) = megabit
1 byte = 8 bits

Most internet connections are rated in Megabits, so the fact you are downloading at 600 kilobytes on a 2megabit connection seems rather impressive, if not impossible. For example, on an SBC Yahoo DSL rated at 1.5 Mb/sec, you would only see download speeds of up to 192 KB/sec.
Headphone & Sound setting

MacRumorUser said:
Have you checked sound preferences. This right channel problem is common in powerbooks and since the new imac is basically a laptop (exact same hadware to macbookpro) once you've got your speakers plugged in, go to system preferences/sound and move the slidebar to the middle.....

The 1mm thing is common on this model too. I think it's just the way they've integrated the optical output via TosLink adapter and 3mm Jack for speakers/headphones....

The sound settings are correct seems like it's a faulty socket on the iMac.I am presently getting around it by using an iMike.
kingjr3 said:
I assume you just typed them wrong, but you do realize that 300-600KBps = 2.34-4.69 mbps?

For sake of clarity...

KB = kilobytes
MB = megabytes
Kb(or kb) = kilobit
Mb (or mb) = megabit
1 byte = 8 bits

Most internet connections are rated in Megabits, so the fact you are downloading at 600 kilobytes on a 2megabit connection seems rather impressive, if not impossible. For example, on an SBC Yahoo DSL rated at 1.5 Mb/sec, you would only see download speeds of up to 192 KB/sec.

Sorry I meant Kb.... My bad!! :)

So using your information, my download speeds are getting about 60-70KB/sec compared to the 192 KB/sec on my mac mini, powermac, ibook, powerbook & G4 imac...

Does that clarify it? :) Of course 60-70KB/sec on a 2 Mb/sec connection is poor and is only like that via Airport. When connected via ethernet I get the full speed of my connection (well just under to be precie)..
Well, my intel iMac gives about 1.4Mb/s while my old PC laptop is at 2Mb/s. I guess not as bad as some other posts, but still slower than the other computer in the same room. OK, without placing them at the exact same spot the comparison may not be fair, but still...

BTW, my basesation use WEP as well. I remember entering a password when I first got the iMac to connect to the base-station, but now I cannot view what kind of encryption I am using. How can I get OSX to tell me about encrption type etc.? System Preferences -> Network is a bit useless other than telling me that I am in Location: Automatic and connected through Airport. Airport menu -> Internet Connect at least tell me the name of my network and the base station ID. Still no info about encryption.
BakedBeans said:
jack (username XIII) is having EXACTLY the same trouble....

what wireless security are you using (and change it to see if it helps)


Also, after sleep, when I wake the computer up, it can't see the wireless network.

If I restart, it then doesn't recognise the wireless card.

What I have to do is shut down, zap the pram, and turn on again. What a bitch.
I got my new Intel iMac yesterday to replace the broken one I received first, and it still has the problem - or rather - my router is still incompatible with it.

For anyone who wants to give them a shot, some "solutions" have been posted on the Apple Discussion Boards.

None of them did a thing for me but some of the other people posting claimed it helped them.
I duno

i don't know if this is the right form for this question, but it is a MAJOR ass emergancy.:confused: :mad:

things are dissapearing randomly from my HD and also my free memeory space on my HD is dissapearing too. one day i downloaded a 23 mb graphics editor, or painter if you will, and my free HD went from 98 GB free to 2.5 GB free. WHF mate?:mad:

the same program dissapeared and i mean it @$%ing dissapeared without a trace.:mad:

i don't know what's going on, gut it ain't good. please help me.:confused:
i don't know if this is the right form for this question, but it is a MAJOR ass emergancy.:confused: :mad:

things are dissapearing randomly from my HD and also my free memeory space on my HD is dissapearing too. one day i downloaded a 23 mb graphics editor, or painter if you will, and my free HD went from 98 GB free to 2.5 GB free. WHF mate?:mad:

the same program dissapeared and i mean it @$%ing dissapeared without a trace.:mad:

i don't know what's going on, gut it ain't good. please help me.:confused:
Your right, this is the wrong forum for that.
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