macgeek2005 said:
I don't find it weird at all. The Mac Mini's are slow pieces of trash, and running a rosetta app on TOP of that??? *shudder*. It boggles the mind, or more like, the hard drive.
Actually, with most apps the mini duo keeps up pretty well with machines that are three times the price. The only time it chokes is with the stock ram, and I suspect the MPB's will do the same if you run enough apps and use all the memory.
IJ Reilly said:
Who's facts, yours? We've also had a post commenting that a dual G5 can also be seen to lag. I don't doubt it. Any Mac will, if swap files are allowed to build up. The first thing to try is still the first thing to try. Start free and easy and escalate only if necessary, not the other way around. This is Mac maintenance 101 -- and the point of my advice. It remains the point, no matter how hard you try to turn it into something else.
Mine and many others online. I've seen the exact same results from others on macintouch's user reports among numerous other places (but I'm sure you're probably not going to believe me unless I provide links, right?). I have personal experience to back my claims up, as well as others with the same results. Are you calling me a liar? Are you saying that even though I have the same machine as the OP with the exact same symptoms, the solution that worked for me can't possibly apply to him? (especially when he tells us he's had literally a *million* pageouts!)
And doesn't the fact that a G5 with minimal ram can be made to choke fairly easily support the idea that it's probably RAM?
Do you have any experience with the intel mini? What's your basis for your "facts" about the intel mini? Use of different machines with a completely different chipset and build of the apps and OS? You have no facts whatsoever, just speculation on your part, which in this case turns out to be wrong.
As I've already said, I agree with the idea of trying the simple, harmless things first. But in this case, even if fsck ends up fixing something, it's not going to fix the larger problem, which is that on the mini, running multiple apps, particularly ones that are memory hogs like safari, memory runs out fast and the machine completely chokes. The fix for this is easy, get more ram.
If you had simply stuck with "try the basics first" I'd have no disagreement. I'm certainly NOT trying to turn your point into something else. But to insist that the problem has nothing to do with ram is just uninformed speculation on your part, and you're just spreading misinformation by continuing to make that claim.
I'm dying to hear how the OP finally solves his problem. Did basic software utilities make a difference? Or did it take more ram to speed things up?
We'll see.